Farmers now have a reason to smile as now they can be able to buy real seeds in the market thanks to the
mobile phone technology developed by mPedigree network.
•mPedigree network comes up with a technology that will ultimately purge fake seeds
•3 steps the consumer to take while buying seeds
•The technology is set to revolutionalize the agricultural sector
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The mobile phone based technology involves a digital product verification tool that utilises the concept of a concealed number like the voucher number on the scratch card.
A sticker with the concealed number is glued on the seed package and one good thing about the sticker is that it is tamper-proof.
Any attempt to tamper with it
automatically leads to seal breakage.
The seed purchaser scratches to reveal the unique voucher(8digits) then proceeds to send the 8 digits to a toll free hotline code on the
label.Then waits for confirmation.
For a genuine product,the phone receives a response showing sensitive product details
AWESOME right? mPedigree network will work with seed companies and each sticker will cost seed companies sh 2/-
Mark you,the mobile based technology has been a success in the pharmaceutical industry
and a lot of replicas have been seized
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