Are you a woman addicted to your profession so much that its affecting your marriage and you feel like nobody can change your love for the profession?Do you want to focus on your work without interruptions like pregnancy?Do you want to get babies at a later age?YES!Well,Egg freezing is the way to go.
•Apple and Facebook offering its employers (women in high end positions) egg freezing option
•Biznerati raises eyebrows on the side effect of the hormone injection
Egg Freezing is a technique which allows women to freeze and store their eggs .
Egg freezing is a novel technology in which a woman’s eggs are extracted, frozen and stored.
Later, when she is ready to become pregnant, the eggs can be thawed, fertilized, and transferred to the uterus as embryos .In the Recent Past, Facebook and Apple have made the offer to their employees to practise egg freezing.
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ranging from sh 400,000 to sh 700000 plus the fertility cost around sh80000 which makes it
affordable to the rich only and part of the middle class.
This method suits women who have
cancer,career women and others with reproductive problems.If a woman is diagnosed with cancer,this is the suitable method to use as chemotherapy and radiotherapy don't go well
with pregnancy.
That's why it reaches to a point where a pregnant Breast cancer patient is given

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1)To remove the baby
2)Start the chemotherapy
RELATED:The Best Age to Freeze your eggs
Egg freezing also suits the career
women.Women in high profiled careers who are in love with their careers might embrace the
method so that they can fully concentrate on their careers and in the future can have children.
There is a video biznerati saw on
@AjStream about the egg freezing
procedure.Searched for it everywhere but all in vain.It shows a woman demonstrating on egg
In the video she injects herself with a syringe full of some chemicals on the lower abdomen and just like that she's done.I find that method efficient but what worries me most is the side effects.Would you inject chemicals on your lower abdomen for egg freezing?Who knows the
chemicals might have an effect on your body in the future.Thats why i like the laboratory method where eggs(oocytes) are extracted,freezed and stored then in the future can be returned in the uterus.
READ ALSO:The Deeper Meaning of the Mother's Womb
•Here is a ( VIDEO
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that will help you fathom the method.
With the extra high costs,egg freezing remains for the middle class and the who is who in the society.