Ever Noticed strange charges on your daily phone bill?I bet if majority always keep tabs with their daily phone bill progress.Are there tiny but significant charges on it that you are unfamiliar with?
Well, Some malware is programmed to send paid SMS messages that get charged to your phone bill and deposited into the bank account of the malware writer.
After posting about how a researcher discovered a flaw on the android front camera seems flaws keep on flanking the operating system.Just recently,hackers reveals how they can control your smartphone easily just by knowing your cell phone number.The hackers simply send an alarming text ,case in point,similar to the texts I outlined on "Beware of these texts" post .Once you receive the text,that's when the hack process begins and your phone starts misbehaving.App close and open suspiciously and in extreme cases send messages to your contacts .
Always remember to
1)Avoid downloading unofficial apps .They may harm your computer or smartphone
2)Only download apps from a reputable app store, such as Google Play or Amazon Appstore .
3)Skim through app reviews on the app stores. Users will often rate infected app poorly and will
usually warn others through the app reviews and even rant over their experience with the app at hand.
4)Always have strong antivirus protection and keep on updating the antivirus
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