mPedigree is once again making it to the tabloids.After giving farmers a reason to smile ,the network has now a hot productGoldkeys.The product has picked up and is now on upto ten million products worlwide.You might be wondering,product on a product?I Know
Goldkey is a product i can say acts like a scratch card,just like 'glue-ing ' a scratch card on a product only that in this case the scratch card contains all the details of the product which can be acquired after a potential buyer of a certain scratches to reveal a digit number after which he or she follows the prompts.
Talking of prompts,These are the prompts you should follow to ensure the product you are buying is real:
1)Look out for the scratch off panel on the product package.Gently rub off to reveal the pin code
2)Go to www.1393.Co and your browser will direct you to
Then you enter the pin code on the search box.Alternatively,you can send an SMS to a special short code.
3)Wait for a response confirming
or denying the validity of the product.
VOILA!!!!!!Thumbs up to mPedigreenetwork.Continue with the same spirit
mPedigree=Bringing quality to life
But notice this can be achieved if product companies can work hand in hand with the network(mPedigree).Are you a product company tired of all the counterfeits (replica products)and want to realise your proceeds then
contact and bring quality into life.
RELATED: Meet the founder of mPedigree network
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