What's a DDOS Attack?A DDOS Attack is in which a multitude of compromised system attack a single target,thereby causing denial of
normal service of the target.The flood of incoming messages to the target essentially forces the target subject to shut down.This type of attack is form of online strike i can comfortably say.
Remember when there was a DDOS attacks on WordPress sites?Here is the link in case you missed .DDOS (Distributed Denial Of service)
attacks can result in Heavy losses,especially if they’re launched against the website of a company that is mainly dependent on using online service for business operations.
However, as far as hacktivist attacks are concerned, I don’t know of
any operation relying on DDOS attacks that has made a difference, one that has influenced political or business decisions.
For instance, a few years ago, Anonymous hackers launched a massive DDOS attack against
PayPal after the company decided to stop processing donations to WikiLeaks. But paypal did not change its stand on the issue.
Then there was the mega upload ddos attack.DDOS attacks were launched but mega upload site was never brought up.
Should DDOS attacks be considered legal or no?
In my view,i think These types of attacks should be treated as legal as they are a form of protesting against justices just like ‘occupy’protest.
Picture this,a business company is acting unfairly to its customers,legal means have been used to deal
with the issue but the business company is not able to stoop low to the suggestions being made.What do you do?A ddos attack is launched and after that the business will have
changed its way of operating.Feels like blackmail?From the company's
perspective.There have been massive ddos attacks in the recent past.Remember the wordpress ddos attack?
Over 160000websites were held .Another massive campaign that relied on DDOS attacks was the one launched against several US
government and anti-piracy
outfits after the shutdown of
Megaupload in January 2012. The sites of the US Department of Justice, the FBI, the White House, HADOPI, RIAA, MPAA, the Belgian Anti-Piracy Federation, and the Warner
Music Group’s websites were shut
While this was one of the biggest DDOS attack operations launched by hacktivists,no one said “OK, let’s restore Megaupload because people are unhappy.”
Shortly after the Megaupload DDOS
attacks,members of the Anonymous movement submitted a petition to the White House asking the Obama administration to make ddos attacks
legal.But the obama administration would hear none of that.However,whats peculiar is the aftermath of ddos attacks?There is always no change.Its time
ddos be taken seriously and be recognised if its done on a right purpose not a selfish purpose