Remember this fruit?Well,i used to eat it when i was young and i bet you too.I'm talking about the Mangosteen Fruit.
Its exocarp, that red-purple layer around the flesh is and was highly valuable. It contains high antibacterial and antioxidant agents.
The taste is really luscious, mixed of sweet,delicate sour, fresh and juicy, and the aroma is mild, mixed of caramel, grass, and butter fragrance
•used in treating ulcers
There have also been reports on how eating cabbage can help solve the problem.
In a double blind study of 45 inmates at San Quentin Prison in California, 93 percent of the ulcers in prisoners taking cabbage juice concentrate in capsules [ the equivalent of a fresh quart of cabbage juice every day ] were healed after three weeks.
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Nice to learn how natural food can be your miracle medicine.Do you have any suggestions on how you've been able to treat your ulcers?
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