I recently came across some luhyas talking about a funny app called Ale the Luhya.Out of curiosity,i asked them where I can get more info about the app and they told me.Now I went ahead ,downloaded it from the Playstore and installed it.
Ale The Luhya is a mobile game that uses Biblical concepts in a graphical and fun way to evangelize and draw people towards Christ and make people find delight in Him.I First thought the target audience was the luhya community since they're well known for amorous attachment towards eating hen and also maize flour. So You play as a person called Ale

You are to catch chicken that are pecking on the ground as they feed. Once you bump into a hen, it disappears and you earn points.A point for each hen caught. There is also flour in the game(unga) which boosts your speed for only 5 seconds when bumped into but the Bible boosts your speed for longer. i.e. 20 seconds. (Concept: Matthew 4:4. Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God)
.There will also be a cross which will be appearing from time to time and will add you 30 seconds of game-play time once bumped into. (Concept: John15:5. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing).
The cross appears after random time intervals and one cannot predict when it will appear. (Concept: Matthew 25:13. Therefore be alert, because you don’t know either the day or the hour.)
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I really love the game-flow , its evangelistic concept of the game.It's fun and at the same time drawing the user to Jesus Christ.
>>> Install The App