Though my Heart burns only for You At times i get carried away by my desires I get enticed by the 3 types of Lust [the lust of the Flesh. the Lust of the Eye and the Pride of Life]
Clothed in an attractive garb, the devil lays down his snares And I’m ashamed to admit that i get entrapped in them
Doubts start creeping in , the bright colour grows dim as grey and colour effects My understanding gets slippery, it’s all getting dark
The deep dark clouds engulfing my Heart Raging deep within, satan throwing darts at me, How it Hurts!
From colour all around to Black and White, whoa! That was fast I’m Lost in the dark, confusion screaming Loud
the Devil boasts and cracks a victory Laugh
my conscience condemning me, the Spirit stirs me to Call on You with a broken and a contrite Heart ,
I follow the Urging amidst the confusion like a ray of light piercing through the Dark,
I Hear a soft Voice Its Hits the light switch on my Brain I look towards the direction where the voice sounded from
Like when the morning sun comes into view and one starts feeling the warmth of the ardour of the sun rays I see the stretched Sovereign Hand and hear the sweet voice, Reach for my Hand ,I'll
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