How i miss those days speech recognition came in handy at the workplace.It was just priceless watching members of staff (espc. secretaries who were lucky to retain their jobs as per that time) dictate
documents and produce them in 1/4 of the time that they could type them.All was good till limitations happened on PCs.That was the death of mainstream speech recognition on PCs.
Nowadays Companies like Google,Apple and Microsoft have 'rebirthed' the speech recognition style.The companies install the speech recognition software on the mobile Operating systems and this has been convenient for the end user.It has optimized most of the end users activities.However,The sad thing is that Mainstream adoption of speech recognition software on desktop PCs, has never 'reincarnated'.
But why?Because nowadays things have evolved.There are new office structures and this has made managers perceive lack of suitability for an office environment which requires some level of serenity and also it could be that the Personal computers in modern offices do not have enough RAM and faster processors which has now led to more false inputs being produced.
Well,expect more and more coming smartphones to be fitted with the speech recognition in the near future.