Tuesday 10 May 2016

Is My Brain Slowly Being Cooked By The Cellphone Radiation As I'm Answering a Call

Walk around the streets on a normal day and you'll never miss to bump into  a teenager with earphones,earhooks or even headphone tucked.It's kinda sad how more and more peoples way of life is now built around these accessories.It’s socially acceptable to have a cell phone and be contactable 24/7.Which brings my question,aren't we risking brain tumors and even cancer?

In 2011, the World Health Organization classified the kind of low-energy radiation that cell phones emit as " Possibly Carcinogenic " ." The type of radiation coming out of a cell phone is called non-ionizing. It is not like an X-ray, but more like a very low-powered microwave oven ,"said Dr. Keith Black, a neurosurgeon specializing in the treatment of brain tumors.
Is my brain slowly being cooked by the cellphone radiation as I'm answering a call?

That's my worst fear.I once had plans of purchasing a Bluetooth headset since I felt it would make my life much more easier but after doing a research on dangers associated with Prolonged bluetooth technology exposure  , I quickly ditched the plan.One of the things I learnt is that by using the

Bluetooth stereo piece ,one is being exposed both cell phone radiation and Bluetooth radiation being emitted by the Bluetooth headset.You’re better off using a wired headset than a wireless one but then again the wired headset also has a downside.
The wired headset has metal in it.This  metal  conducts the radiation emanating from your cellphone/smartphone allowing it to travel up the wire ending up in your brain.Answering incoming calls using your wired headset could increase your exposure to cell phone radiation in the long run.

I Was fond of answering calls using my wired headset.I found it cool 'till I started experiencing some ear pain and random dizziness.I had to dump the wired headset and up to date I always activate the loudspeaker mode when answering calls.Risk factors for cancer and tumors caused by radiation sources are directly proportional to exposure levels.I find it weird how the more we embrace the  gadgets coming into our hands,the greater the risk factors.

 READ ALSO:A Thermo graphic image of your head after a 15 minute phone call 

Posted via Blogaway

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RELATED: SILENT KILLER PART 2:'Silent killer' radiation that surrounds you even when you are asleep at home