"Hey,let's go download some files over the wifi,"Nijo tells me."Great Idea,i really need to furnish my playlist,lets go."I tell him. So we take seats and activate our browsing mode.5 minutes later.."Oh no!The progress bar has stuck on 99% !Nijo is Clearly getting impatient.I tell him to exercise patience.10 minutes later,his phone progress bar is still stuck at 99%.I advice him to Cancel the file,but as he's just about to press the cancel button,he gets a FILE DOWNLOADED SUCCESSFUL notification.Nijo sighs with heavy relief.I bet this has occurred to you.I know of people who smashed their phones because of the 99% .So why 99%??
1) The phone system may hang at updating of the progress bar at 99% when a security scan is one requirement that must be performed during the 1% hiatus.During the 1%,if the security scan is performed and a problem is discovered then there will be A FAILED noticed.Maybe the file was nuke.The time period of the security scan may
2) Computer/Smartphone and operating system latency
Let's say ,you were downloading Jumia app from the play store.The Jumia app developer might have dedicated the 1% hiatus to another helper app that updates the system configuration.If at his workstation,the time it took make the 1% hiatus over was 10seconds,then that's the default time it will take your phone to complete 100% but these time may vary with devices.
3)You might have run of bundles hence no internet connection
While the progress bar could be a psychological trick to alleviate frustration,at times it do creates tension and anxiety trickles in especially if the file or app is of a huge size.
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RELATED: Fixing downloads stuck at 99%
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