Monday 25 April 2016

The urine malaria test

"Biznerati bro,I'm not feeling good today.Got this fever,cover for me,"Davis requests."Are you sure it's not Malaria?I could get you some tablets, you know,"I respond."I'm not sure about that,all I know is that I have this mild fever."

Lets try Fyodor Urine Malaria Test."I suggest."Do you have the dipstick kit?"He asks."No,lets visit the clinic."
30minutes later we are at the clinic.Davis is given the dipstick and minutes later he comes back with a smile saying its  negative.No malaria.Thats a relief.We head back home satisfied.

Unlike Davis,there are many others who take matters into their own hands and are always fond of diagnosing themselves at the slightest sign.A fever is enough for them to conclude that they are suffering from Malaria.They proceed to purchase tablets.This could pose a health risk on the individuals. But thanks to  Fyodor's Urine Malaria Test (UMT), currently in clinical validation,which is indicated for use in individuals who present with fever suspected of being malaria  

The Great news is that It is equipped with  mPedigree's cellphone technology .According to myjoyonline
"The mPedigree cellphone technology element multiplies the benefits several fold by ensuring that all UMT Broad kits are carefully tracked through distribution channels safely into the hands of patients in all households that need them, however remote"

   Patients text a special ID on the pack to register the kit before use via the toll-free SMS hotline, 1393. Patients thereafter receive instant logs via free text messages containing authentication, traceability and customer service information. Once registered, the UMT kit enters an electronic surveillance and warranty program."


Wonderful,isn't it?However remote place you are in,you can still get access to these UMT dipstick kits which can also be used regardless of whether you are trained or not.The only thing you need to do after acquiring the kit is to send  the special  to the  toll sms line.By doing that,the kit will have entered the warranty program and  also the  electric surveillance ID.This will see the purging of fake UMT ,more transparency and also an end to wrongful diagnosis. Tweet this

  READ ALSO: The origin of the deadly malaria parasite that killed Genghis Khan 

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