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Little creatures that run the world.Im talking about ants.I was resting under my perfect shade spot on a sunny thursday,chewing on sugarcane and one thing grabbed my attention
It all started with one ant that came close to my feet .It started 'feeling'on the peel.After 2 minutes,the ant left the spot and I witnessed it leaving a trail.After 10 minutes,i noticed a colony of ants following the trail coming towards my spot.They came and started 'feeling' on the peels.I really enjoyed the little show.This would be followed by other ants following through the same trail and I loved how they would stop and 'greet' each other.
Any myrmecologist will tell you, chief among an ant’s super powers is its ability to communicate. In fact, ants primarily communicate through the release of chemicals called ‘pheromones’. They’re typically released from the mandibles, gaster and cuticle.
Different pheromones indicate different things, and each species can have their own type of pheromones system. So there’s one chemical, or mixture of chemicals, that indicates danger, one for foraging and so on. Ants detect these pheromones using their antennae, and they’re pretty good at it. Let’s say you’re at your favorite chill spot. You’re unwrapping that biscuit and you see one lone ant.Just know you are about to be flanked by a thousand other ants.Once the lone gets the biscuit crumb,it releases pheromones and the sweeter the crumb the greater the scent of Pheromone.If the lone ant senses danger,it releases a pheromone that other ants will 'decipher'.After 'feeling' on the crumb,the ant will create a trail that will be used by the other 'incoming' ants and the incoming ants will reinforce the trail and will stop on the way to 'greet' one another.
Don't you just Love the modulatory communication?I can watch ants do their thing all day :-)
Something we can learn about ants ;
2)Team work
Among others.Hope you learn something.
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