Nothing beats the taste of freshly picked ripe tomatoes.I like my tomatoes fresh from the garden.The feeling that comes with eating the fresh ripe tomato is a feeling I cant trade anything with.However, as the temperatures drop, there are lots of green tomatoes left on the plants that take 'decades and centuries' to ripen in time.This always tests the farmer's patience and at times farmers like me tend to rely on the "Good things come to those who wait" quote but at end of it many get frustated.But thanks to a little hack,farmers will wait no longer.
Here is a simple hack that will really come in handy.
*Place a green tomato next to a ripe banana or rather place 5 green tomatoes in a jar contain a ripe banana and tightly seal it,Keep checking on the tomatoes on a daily basis. The tomato will ripen due to the ethylene gas produced by the banana.
READ ALSO: Intergrated aqua culture farming(suitable for those farmers with a small piece of Land)
RELATED: 6 ways with green tomatoes
biznarati a portmanteau of (business and twiterati)This blog offers self help info and its main aim is to enlighten the society
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Ripening green tomatoes the easier way
Morning playlist
Each and every morning When I wake up Ialways get that need to listen to my favourite artists to start out the day.
1)Live on Forever||The Afters - LISTEN
"dark days are gonna go away, they wont have the final say....every tear will disappear,heaven is real,we gonna live on forever x 3)Such an inspiring track.
2)We believe ||Newsboys - LISTEN
3)Back to life||Hillsong Young & free-
Hillsong young and free sing of how they've been brought back to life in this upbeat track.
4)This is living||Hillsong Young&free ft lecrae - LISTEN E
" Waking up knowing there's a reason
All my dreams come alive
Life is for living with You
I've made my decision
You lift me up, fill my eyes with wonder
Forever young in Your love
This freedom's untainted with You
No moment is wasted
See the sun now bursting through the clouds
Black and white turns to colour all around
All is new, in the Savior I am found
This is living now
This is living now"
This is an amazing upbeat and electronic song.
5)Energy||Hillsong young and free - LISTEN
6)Tha church ||Lecrae- LISTEN
" I could have been sleeping in my grave, but you reached down from heaven and made a way, it's so amazing how you changed my fait and all I can say is...
You're faithful, to me, even when I've made mistakes you've always kept"
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Great songs to start your day
READ ALSO:Do you love listening to music while performing tasks?This is for you

Monday, 25 April 2016
The notorious 'kissing bug ' that spreads a fatal parasite infection
Have you ever woken up early in the morning only to swollen lips or eyelids??Well,there is need to worry. You need to visit your nearest hospital as you might have been a victim of the 'Kissing Bug'.
Kissing bug has been present as from early as the 1880s.In 1889,The
Washington post called it an epidemic on its headline. The chagas disease brought about as a result of the kissing bug was killing many people as at the time.It
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RELATED: Reason behind the debilitating feeling you experience when you wake up [Ebook]
was presumed that in the event that you had swollen eye lids ,swollen lips e.t.c then you were suffering from the disease.
It was an epidemic. This prompted a widespread witch hunt for the kissing bug.The efforts proved successful and they succeeded in purging the kissing bug.
However,in 2005 cases of the kissing bug hit again.Its very hard to know the time of the infection since it can take years for the chronic aspect of the disease to be realized. The bug emerges at night when the victim -to- be is asleep.
READ ALSO: The origin of the Malaria parasite that killed Genghis Khan
It then proceeds to deposits feces that contains the parasites on human skin. The parasites then enter the mammalian (human) host through the bug bite, or breaks in the skin or conjunctiva. Occasionally, the parasites enter
RELATED: Getting rid of kissing bugs
through mucosal cells of the mouth or airway when ingested or inhaled.-Source
It's advisable not to rub your eyes when you wake up in the morning since the rubbing effect may rub the deposit left by the bug leading to the parasites finding their way into your bloodstream.
The parasites eventually enter the bloodstream and lodge in the muscular structure of the organs. The parasites multiply and eventually cause chronic symptoms related to the involved organ or organs that can include cardiac failure,arrhythmia that eventually leads to death.
Time to monitor closely your wall crevices.
The urine malaria test
"Biznerati bro,I'm not feeling good today.Got this fever,cover for me,"Davis requests."Are you sure it's not Malaria?I could get you some tablets, you know,"I respond."I'm not sure about that,all I know is that I have this mild fever."
Lets try Fyodor Urine Malaria Test."I suggest."Do you have the dipstick kit?"He asks."No,lets visit the clinic."
30minutes later we are at the clinic.Davis is given the dipstick and minutes later he comes back with a smile saying its negative.No malaria.Thats a relief.We head back home satisfied.
Unlike Davis,there are many others who take matters into their own hands and are always fond of diagnosing themselves at the slightest sign.A fever is enough for them to conclude that they are suffering from Malaria.They proceed to purchase tablets.This could pose a health risk on the individuals. But thanks to Fyodor's Urine Malaria Test (UMT), currently in clinical validation,which is indicated for use in individuals who present with fever suspected of being malaria
The Great news is that It is equipped with mPedigree's cellphone technology .According to myjoyonline
"The mPedigree cellphone technology element multiplies the benefits several fold by ensuring that all UMT Broad kits are carefully tracked through distribution channels safely into the hands of patients in all households that need them, however remote"
Patients text a special ID on the pack to register the kit before use via the toll-free SMS hotline, 1393. Patients thereafter receive instant logs via free text messages containing authentication, traceability and customer service information. Once registered, the UMT kit enters an electronic surveillance and warranty program."
Wonderful,isn't it?However remote place you are in,you can still get access to these UMT dipstick kits which can also be used regardless of whether you are trained or not.The only thing you need to do after acquiring the kit is to send the special to the toll sms line.By doing that,the kit will have entered the warranty program and also the electric surveillance ID.This will see the purging of fake UMT ,more transparency and also an end to wrongful diagnosis. Tweet this
READ ALSO: The origin of the deadly malaria parasite that killed Genghis Khan
RELATED: The curse of iatrogenesis:When 'cures' make you more sicker
Benefits of lecture capture
Experienced cases where lecturers don't show up after preparing for the classes?Are you a lecturer and
want to migrate from analogue to 'digital lecturing?'Well , Biznerati got you covered.
All you need is the use of podcasts.A Podcast is a digital audio file that can be automatically downloaded from the internet once the user subscribes.This digital audio file could be an online radio show or even business. Podcasts have been used by bloggers and most 'underground' radio shows.All you need is to get a podcasting host and your tools.
Getting started with podcasting ..This is just similar to starting your show and the audience in this case is your students.
All you will need are to get you ( Tools of podcasting ) started and all the students will be required to subscribe (under the RSS Feed button) and once you publish a podcast it will be automatically downloaded into your audience (your students) smartphone.Your podcast should strictly contain only the intended topic in the particular unit designated to the lecturer.No business issues.
This system of lecture can be set up to help students replay, revisit and revise from past lectures(past podcasts) which can be retrieved from your phone's file manager.
According to this article, , Sonic Foundry created Mediasite as a purpose-built, appliance-based platform for lecture capture. It features an automated workflow to record, deliver, manage, search and track video-based instruction, leveraging your in-room and on-campus infrastructure.Therefore lecturers can use this platform too because of its efficiency.
However,one caveat though.Not all students have smartphones and this tends to advantage those who have smartphones.But i'm sure this is the way to go.If you are a lecturer who always has a busy schedule,podcasting is the option to leverage on.
1) It allows students to cover the material at their own pace.
2)It also serves as a tool to encourage tech adoption amongst the tech illiterate.
3)It also provides a flexible learning experience among the students as it gives students access to video, audio recordings of many of their past relevant lectures.
4)The students can listen at their own time
5)Each lecture is automatically downloaded directly into the student's File explorer hence the student is always abreast with the unit's content
We need to make all universities aware of the benefits of Digital note taking technologies,Don't you think?
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RELATED: Killing absenteeism in class
Killing absenteeism in class
Are you a teacher,administrator or youth program leader that is in much need of tracking your daily class attendance with the ultimate aim of killing absenteeism?Well,here is Kinvolved for you.
Kinvolved’s app offers you an efficient, instant communication tool so that
you can communicate with all stakeholders in a student’s life with just a click.
Image credit
You can record student attendance using Kinvo App simple interface.Parents can receive an instant notification on absenteeism or lateness.Now here is the catch.The app quickly record attendance by swiping students names left or right, marking them absent or late save these customized messages for later use.Time saving and convenient.
This log can later be used to understand the students behavior and coming up with ways to motivate the students who might need the much needed help.Data is Key.
RELATED: Lecture Capture in Universities
However,The app will fully operate for users who are already a member of a school community that has purchased a school-wide account.
Ditch the register, INSTALL KinvoApp today!!
Saturday, 23 April 2016
When you think you've had enoughs with new technology on your ' tech plate' the more accessions you get.This time a new technology ,thync, promises to help its users “conquer life” by allowing them to tweak their mood on demand by the touch of a button.Nirvanic,right??I tend to think the word 'thync' was derived from the word sync 'cause of the relationship between 'th' and 's'
We’d all love quick and effective ways of amping up and thync is or will be the REAL DEAL.Despite a plethora of pharmaceutical methods being available i have this feeling that thync will take the shine once it hits the stores later in the year.
The module sticks to your temple, a shaped,rounded triangle of plastic with a replaceable strip of flat printed-circuitry plastic that navigates the side of your head down to the base of your skull. The forehead and the neck piece generate impulses,controlled by the program you’ve loaded via a companion smartphone app, that actively jolt the neurons in those two sensitive areas; these programs generate mood shifts that Thync calls “Vibes.” At present, there are two sets of Vibes available: One designed to produce relaxation, and another designed to produce alertness.( SOURCE:Jeff Yang )
READ ALSO: This $6000 lamborghini smartphone is ridiculous
So excited for this.But what gets me worried is the thought of the side effects associated with this wearable.The thought of electroshock theraphy gives me chills.Having electric current pass through my system.Damn! And also side effects like Untamed addiction and any other hidden side effects that may come with the wearable.I came across an article the author/publisher was talking of his first hand experience with the wearable.BELOW
READ ALSO: Thync transports you into a more meditative space without use of chemicals
Here is one experience of one Cherlynn Low an author at with the brain-altering wearable.
"My brain zapped to change my mood, and I lived to tell the tale. At a private demo with Thync at CES 2015 I experienced a futuristic electroshock therapy aimed at making me feel better. It involved sitting with a small module attached to my forehead for 15 minutes while electric currents passed through my nerves to my brain.
Since the product is still being finalized, Thync declined to let us photograph the prototype module nor describe its shape, offering only
screenshots of its app.
I arrived at the suite feeling emotionally distressed by personal matters (mostly my annoying boyfriend) and stressed out about the amount of work on my plate. As a Thync executive explained what the wearable really does,I was immediately keen to see if it could truly take my mind off my woes. A rep stuck the modules onto my head and neck and started a 15-minute Calm session (I picked Calm, but
Energy is an option).As the program started, dots on the controlling
smartphone app started to fill up while the nodes pulsed. I felt a prickling sensation as the current
passed through my skin. The reps told me to keep increasing the intensity of the current to the point where it's just barely uncomfortable, using the app.
They also instructed me to adjust the
current as soon as I got used to a level of intensity. We're curious what the voltage of the max dosage might be.Now what really frightened me was when i saw a ... [PAUSE]I will post the link after the post.Be sure to catch the whole experience.
Are wearables replacing smartphones?Maybe,maybe not but all i know that neither of the two can replace each other as one needs the other to work hand in hand.Like for instance,thync works hand in hand with a smartphone (app) for the 'CALM' and 'ENERGY' options.Cant wait for the wearable to hit the stores.Make sure to hit these buttons to stay updated
Stay updated!!!
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Friday, 22 April 2016
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Thursday, 21 April 2016
Acrylamide in dark chocolates?

The media often tells us that dark chocolate is “healthier” than milk chocolate because of its high antioxidant content. Yes, this is
true: dark chocolate contains more than four times the amount of antioxidants than found in milk chocolate (~200 Units/gram
vs. ~45 Units/gram; Miller et al. 2006).
However, what they neglect to tell us is that cocoa powder beats both dark and milk chocolate, with ~800 antioxidant Units/gram! That translates into 4-fold more
antioxidants than dark chocolate, and approximately 18-fold more antioxidants than milk chocolate! So, make your own chocolate at home, with cocoa powder,right?
READ ALSO: What is acrylamide and how is it involved with food and health?
Maybe not. To make cocoa powder, cocoa beans are first roasted at a high temperature. Roasted cocoa beans are processed to remove its cocoa butter,leaving behind the cocoa solids which are then ground, forming cocoa powder.One could argue that the remaining cocoa powder, when used in chocolate is better for health than using raw (non-roasted), ground
cacao beans because cocoa powder has less saturated and total fat.
Although this is true, roasting the cocoa bean (or any grain,nut, or seed) produces acrylamide, a compound that has been shown to be both neurotoxic and carcinogenic (Burek et al. 1980; Johnson et al. 1986; Friedman et al. 1995). Raw cacao beans, because they have not been roasted, do not contain acrylamide.
READ ALSO:Chocolate, food for breast cancer?
How much acrylamide is in a Hershey’s dark chocolate bar? One 43 gram bar contains approximately 30 grams of cocoa powder (70% cocoa solids). Hershey’s cocoa powder contains 909 µg/kg of acrylamide, and when multiplied by 0.03 kg(30 grams), this yields 27.3 µg total acrylamide.The lowest risk for dietary acrylamide-induced toxicity has been recommended to be less than 1.5µg/kg body weight/day (Shipp et al. 2006).
This value translates into 75 µg/day for a 50 kg woman, or 112.5 µg/day for a 75 kg man.So, if you eat one Hershey’s dark chocolate bar, you will have ingested a significant amount towards the 75 or112.5 µg/day or upper limit. It’s important to note that there is indeed difference in acrylamide content when comparing Hershey’s and Ghiradelli cocoa powder: Hershey’s contains 3-fold more acrylamide than Ghiradelli (909
µg/kg vs. 316 µg/kg). So, if you are making your own chocolate at home, the best thing on the list to use would be grinding raw cacao beans. Second would be to use Ghiradelli cocoa powder.
Another food that is thought of as “healthy”are baked potato chips. Not in terms of acrylamide content: Baked! Lay’s Original Naturally Baked Potacto Crisps have 31 µg of
acrylamide per 1 ounce bag. Listed below are other notable sources of dietary acrylamide, including one unhealthy (Pringles), and others commonly thought to
be “healthy”.
The curse of iatrogenesis
Did you know that iatrogenesis is the 3rd leading cause of death in America??(Doctor-induced
deaths).A shocking report on iatrogenesis revealed that up to 225,000 die annually as a result of iatrogenesis.Which raises eyebrows and questions on how safe are patients(we) in the hands of doctors.
>> Read the shocking report
According to Wikipedia ,Iatrogenic refers to any consequence of medical treatment or advice to a patient. It also refers to the illness that results from a misdiagnosis and as a result leads to painful slow death.This is often practised by rogue hospitals that are only interested in money and in most cases often physicians often recommend surgery even for the not serious medical cases.This reminds me of the Empire series Terrence Howard as Lucious Lyon, a former drug dealer turned hip hop mogul and the CEO
of Empire Entertainment, who was misdiagonised with ALS and you even saw the depression inflicted on Him.This also reminds me of the movie SUBLIME.
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The movie centers on the protagonist George Grieves ,who checks into the Mt. Abaddon Hospital for a routine procedure only to find horrors await him(FYI,Grieves suffers from colon cancer). Awakening from what was supposedly a simple colonoscopy ,
Grieves is told by hospital staff
that due to confusion arising from similar patient names he was mistakenly given a sympathectomy to cure sweaty palms .(That's where iatrogenesis steps in.The doctors have made a medical error.
[Misdiagnosis alert]> [1st step in iatrogenesis ]
As the days tick by Mr. Grieves' post- operative experiences grow even more bizarre.(Consequences of the medical error(iatrogenesis) are being felt)until he finally realizes that he is caught inside a nightmare of his own creation and seems unable to escape or awaken back in the real world . [The iatrogenic effect]
He understands that something has gone wrong in his post-operative
recovery which is keeping him trapped in this netherworld of manifestations
of all of his worst fears but he understands neither what the problem is nor what, if anything, he can do to awaken from it.We eventually see his condition from his family's perspective and it appears hopeless.The doctors explain that there was a complication during the Sympathectomy which created an air bubble in his bloodstream that eventually reached his brain and caused so much damage that he ended up in an apparently permanent vegetative state>[ Complication
arising from the misdiagnosis now manifesting]He's been dead to the outside world for 10 months and his family is being pressured to remove all artificial means of life support .[ Side effects of the medical error on the physician's part]
Excerpt credit : Source
RELATED: When "Cures" make us more sicker
If you haven't watched the movie,it's time to watch it.I almost cried when I watched the entire movie.The patient ,George Grieves,later finds his ride or die wife in a romping session with the doctor.Grieves in his state later suffers under the hands of his 'black' physicians who tortures Grieves to death.This movie wrecks emotions.The movie painted a picture of what is happening in some of our hospitals.
The rogue hospitals use this as a venue for milking more cash.That's why i advise you to be wise and
intelligent enough to know what's happening.Want to know whether you have been a victim of iatrogenesis??Very easy.
Some iatrogenic effects are clearly defined and are recognised with so
much ease;
• A complication following a surgical operation ( e.g.Instead of
having a colonoscopy(colon surgery) ,a physician performs a thoracic surgery,now the complication that arises from that medical error can make you recognize that you've been 'iatrogenised'.This can often lead to death as one becomes stressed up and suicidal thoughts flood the minds of most victims of this unfortunate act.When visiting a hospital be well informed of your disease so as to avoid being a victim of iatrogenesis or to avoid being iatrogenised as i
like to say.
Good news;I recently came across some awareness campaign about reporting cases of Medical error
Are you a victim of iatrogenesis or medical error ?Yes,Visit this link and file a claim
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
This $6,000 Lamborghini smartphone is daffy
The Tonino Lamborghini 88
Tauri limited edition smartphone designed for people with deep
pockets, A1 sense of fashion and a yearning to snap showy selfies in style.
Only 1,947 of this exclusive limited edition devices have been No more additional units.Why 1,947?I know?Well as a tribute to the birth year of the luxury group’s founder.Now lets focus on the specs
Let's start with the back side of the phone that features a 20-megapixel camera with snappy autofocus, facial recognition
While an 8 megapixel camera on the front for snapping quality photos of your own face, Video purposes e.t.c.
-The screen of the phone is a 5-inch full HD display that’s designed to bring “photos and videos to life in crystal clear detail” says the company. Wow!Nirvanic,right?
-2.3 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 processor
3GB of RAM and the Android 4.4kit kat system.(Disappointed Marshmallow,android's latest operating not on this phone)
-64GB of expandable storage
-3400mAh battery(DAMN!NICE)
READ ALSO: T-Mobile Galaxy S6 Edge+ update delivers Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow
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Snapdragon 801 processor
It is clear that snapdragon 801 processor includes a much more faster Krait 400 CPU processor
and a faster Adreno 330 GPU(For premium graphics and quality games).
Qualcomm has integrated support for multi-band 4G LTE Cat4 modem with the latest Wifi standard the
(Wi-Fi 802.11ac)compatibility.
-Another 'eargasmic' thing about S801(Snapdragon 801)is that it adds support to DSDA (Dual SIM Dual
-eMMC 5.0 that paves way for
quicker access to the internal storage space.(marked by transfer levels of upto 300mb/s)Great deal,right??I know
-S801 also touts a 2.5GHz CPU
-Faster loading of apps
READ ALSO: Is your front camera spying on you?
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
5 Apps to help you accomplish your 2016 Goals
A Poll conducted by pew research centrein 2012 revealed that Two-thirds of young adults and those with higher income were smartphone owners.Think of it,that means that the vast majority of that fraction are frequent mobile app users.
This has seen app developers come up with wide variety of apps that suit our daily niches and the outcome has been these apps in the marketplace being increasingly integrated into our everyday lives.We now have apps to track how many calories we eat in a day,apps that help you figure out what to make for breakfast,road safety app, cheating appse.t.c
Despite having benefits,there are some apps that may just be harmful to you likethis app that may acts as a safe haven for serial killers.Now onto the main story,Here are 5 apps that will help you get closer to accomplishing your 2016 goals;
Headspace is an app that will provide you with easy mindfulness techniques from a variety of systems and at the end of it all give you a relaxed,healthier and happier world.
Habitica is a free habit building and productivity app that treats your real life like a game.This app will help you break your bad habits. With in-game rewards and punishments to motivate you and a strong social network to inspire you
Standup It’s not great to spend all those hours glued to your chair As sitting for lengthy hours can lead to the risk of contracting colon cancer . This app will let you choose the intervals when you’ll get a “take a break” reminder.This is for those who want to allocate breaks .
This app lets you scan the barcode of a product or type in its name to uncover its total calories, fat, sodium and other ingredients.This is for those who want to accomplish or achieve diet, health, and fitness goals.
Interruptive,a Chrome extension that calls you to remind you that it’s time to hit the road for your next appointment, or that you need to get started on that project you’ve been putting off now.Now this extension is for those whose goal is to be punctual or for the procrastinators.
RELATED: Wait,have you tried this safety app
File credit
Last week in the middle of a lecture, I just couldn't help it. I inhaled a giant involuntary yawn.The embarrassing thing is that the lecturer saw me and I'm pretty sure she thought I gave the impression that I was less than enthused. Was I bored with her lecture?No.
According to a 2007 Study in the Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, yawning increases blood flow to the brain, which helps move heat away and cools the area. In essence, those unexpected yawns are likely the result of a slightly overheated brain , according to the study.
But,here are few tips to stop you from yawning while deep into the lecture.
1. As soon as you begin yawning, touch your tongue to the upper jaw.This will stop the yawn
2.Try chewing gum.This keeps you diverted from yawning.
3. Don't look at people yawning. Yawning is contagious.
4. Try not eating carbs before class.Carbs makes some people more tired.Instead eat protein
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Monday, 18 April 2016
Little creatures that run the world
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Little creatures that run the world.Im talking about ants.I was resting under my perfect shade spot on a sunny thursday,chewing on sugarcane and one thing grabbed my attention
It all started with one ant that came close to my feet .It started 'feeling'on the peel.After 2 minutes,the ant left the spot and I witnessed it leaving a trail.After 10 minutes,i noticed a colony of ants following the trail coming towards my spot.They came and started 'feeling' on the peels.I really enjoyed the little show.This would be followed by other ants following through the same trail and I loved how they would stop and 'greet' each other.
Any myrmecologist will tell you, chief among an ant’s super powers is its ability to communicate. In fact, ants primarily communicate through the release of chemicals called ‘pheromones’. They’re typically released from the mandibles, gaster and cuticle.
Different pheromones indicate different things, and each species can have their own type of pheromones system. So there’s one chemical, or mixture of chemicals, that indicates danger, one for foraging and so on. Ants detect these pheromones using their antennae, and they’re pretty good at it. Let’s say you’re at your favorite chill spot. You’re unwrapping that biscuit and you see one lone ant.Just know you are about to be flanked by a thousand other ants.Once the lone gets the biscuit crumb,it releases pheromones and the sweeter the crumb the greater the scent of Pheromone.If the lone ant senses danger,it releases a pheromone that other ants will 'decipher'.After 'feeling' on the crumb,the ant will create a trail that will be used by the other 'incoming' ants and the incoming ants will reinforce the trail and will stop on the way to 'greet' one another.
Don't you just Love the modulatory communication?I can watch ants do their thing all day :-)
Something we can learn about ants ;
2)Team work
Among others.Hope you learn something.
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READ ALSO: Value in the banana peel
Cyber espionage impact on the economy
·Biznerati looks at the most effective and effective method used in Cyber Espionage
·Also looks at the impact cyber espionage has on the economy
·Other technologies used in cyber espionage
The most effective and efficient method used in cyber espionage is THE WATERING HOLE. In this method,every visitor of a particular website compromised for the campaign is infected.
It involves the web browsers and this is so far the most effective method used by state sponsored attacks.However it is difficult to estimate the impact of cyber espionage on the economy of a state since Many organization can never come out saying their privacy has been compromised ,for fear of losing public confidence and many other effects but this happens at times thanks to the aggressive media outlets that always 'whistleblow' on such matters.Cyber espionage can also lead to a fallout of active business partners.For example Company A &B are business partners but later on company A decides to spy on B without its consent.If B founds out ,this can lead to strained relations and eventually a big Fallout.Consequences can be even much worse if states are involved and this impacts negatively on the respective economies.
And now lets take a look at the cyber espionage campaigns that have led to economic destruction
1.Operation aurora: A High-profiled information security attack launched against Google
2. 2).Red october(widely known) An advanced cyber operation that targeted diplomatic and Government agencies
>> Download Biznerati Valentine edition(2016) [pdf]
Cyber espionage is a global disaster and states should build a defense network comprised of bad -turned -good skilled hackers who were former convicts.Its important so as to prevent stealing of intellectual state property or high profiled organizations intellectual property
1)Network surveillance appliances
2.Communication tracking techniques
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>>> Is your front camera spying on you?
4.Social network poisoning just similar to the Watering Hole
RELATED: Cyber security has become an economic imperative
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Front camera spying on you?
Recently i have noticed something suspicious with my smartphone.The camera app has been opening itselfwhen the phone is not in
use.The other day,i was at the field and happened to give an impromptu check on my phone. To my surprise, found the camera preview
on.Damn!I mean this is suspicious 'cause this is not the first time.One question that crossed my
mind was ,could someone be spying on me?And what cemented my suspicions was the fact
each time this happened the camera switched from the rear to front.How that happened i'm still trying to figure out.
Well,i went on a research spree on the internet and found out i was not the only one.Others android users have also been experiencing the
same issue.Then this article happened.I was on my research then came across this article
by Patrick Howell O'Neill on
stated ;
According to researcher Syzmon
Sidor, your smartphone camera can
spy on you without so much as a
notification to tip you off. The spy
app, which doesn’t even show up in
the phone’s list of installed
applications, can then send photos
over the Internet Is someone hijacking my android camera??The researcher then proceeded
to ( ..READ MORE ..)
How is the spy app installed without the owner noticing?Well this could happened over Wifi. In this case i'm referring to unsecured wifi which lets a third party see your communication with your laptop or smartphone.A malicious hacker can inject codes of the spy app into a 'clean' Google app from the play store.In the event you
are downloading the app,you also download the injected spy app attached to the clean app.
When its the turn to install,the codes of the spy app get' runned' and just like that the spy app is disguised in your phone. You can read on the •Google play,browser flaw that could expose android devices to remote code execution: What does this mean for the android user ?
This clearly exposes a flaw in the android camera.This is inexcusable .The fact that Android is tricked into
believing a legitimate preview is
running shocks me.This leaves me with the question of privacy breach.Come to think of it the camera spy app(invisible) can breach your privacy and go as far as recording your every activity and your videos might be uploaded to the youtube or used in blackmail plots by the black hat. If someone can hack an android camera by installing a spy app without the owner identifying the app then its time to 'run'.I just hope Google will fix this flaw.
RELATED: How your phone camera can be used to spy on you
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Sunday, 17 April 2016
Biznerati carnival Valentine edition
Biznerati carnival 2nd edition READ NOW
Polish your shoes with this yellow crescent of unparalleled beauty
Millions of people eat banana fruit every day.This is evident with the increased number of banana peels tossed into trash cans.Did you know that banana peel you just trashed could really come in handy in times when you need some well toned skin and even serotonin increase?
Well,i guess its true.According to some post which i'll later post the link after the post,banana peel boasts of anti-aging oxidants and also rich of nutrients.Now on to today's topic,have you ever heard of people using banana peels to shine their shoes?Yes.So i decided to put it to the test.
•I rubbed the inner part of the peel on the surface of my black shoe
•(Aaargh!That's gross)Some particles of the peel stuck on my shoe.I buffed the shoe with a soft cloth till the expected end result happened.
Banana peels are rich in potassium which is also present in Kiwi(product )
I Was like Whoa !Did it just happen.Wow!My shoes were shining looking brand new.So i stepped out ready to own the day.But to my utter surprise i noticed something along the way.
Oh no!Drosophilas were on my shoes.I guess it was the permanent banana smell that attracted the fruit flies.It was awkward.Luckily,i had not moved far from my house.I returned amidst surprise looks on the faces of the neighbours ,changed the shoes and i said i'll never use banana peels again.
They have the desired end result but the thought of Drosophilas (fruits flies) kills my vibe of trying out again
How about you try it out
>> Excessive consumption of Avocado may be harmful to your comfort
What happens when Virtual reality meets retail?
There has been buzz around Virtual Reality for a time now.The buzz has been centered on Entertainment and therapy and gaming as I earlier Wrote .What happens when retail meets Virtual Reality?
Imagine you the shopper getting immersed in a retail environment and having the ability to view products in the virtual world , picking your preferred products,changing clothes and many other things one is likely to do when shopping in the real world,at the comfort of your bed or couch.Amazing!Isn't it?Who wouldn't enjoy exploring local deals, even offers ,interacting with products in your favorite retailers’ virtual showrooms e.t.c?
Well,according to Retale , Once the user has explored the weekly deals and VR showrooms offered by Retale’s partners, they are able to select products or stores at the most convenient location that they’re interested in and add them to their shopping list on the Retale mobile app. From there, the mobile app will send a push notification confirming the addition, and users can receive navigation information to guide them to the nearest retail location to purchase their selection.(For more info visit )
The Location-based mobile platform allows shoppers to discover great savings, coupons ,deals through it's website.For example ,your nearest and favorite retail shop may partner with to offer deals,coupons and freebies.You the shopper will be able to explore the deals e.t.c and even interact with the products,add to the shopping cart and get access to the navigation information
And shops are already using VR and augmented reality to promote and sell their products.Think of a business that deals with recliners and that wants to promote and sell its recliners.The business could extend their product descriptions to include VR-enabled experiences that allow customers to sit on the recliner to see if its of the right measurement and offers the level of comfortability desired.Once the customers finds it fit,he or she can add it then proceed to get the navigation info.
At the end of it all,it's a win-win for both the marketer and the shopper.Even if the shopper doesn't add a product in the shopping list,the marketer can be able to identify and analyze the customer's behavioral shopping pattern while the shopper will have a shopping experience like never before
READ ALSO:How calls and texts look in Virtual reality
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Friday, 15 April 2016
What can cause a power bank to explode
Ever since I heard about a power bank that exploded inside a car glove compartment ,I've reduced the number of times I use my power bank. The phenomenon of my power bank exploding is terrifying and I know can lead to regrettable incidents.
“I advise the public not to leave any electrical gadget or power bank inside their vehicle,” the owner of the power bank that exploded says.This is after he left his power bank in the car exposing it to the 'heat' environment .Another victim,Omonso,talks of how his cheap unbranded power bank disappointed him."Last year my power bank exploded.Luckily no one was hurt.There was a deafening sonic sound before it exploded.My blinds got burnt.No more power bank for me."
READ: Power bank explodes inside car glove compartment
What can cause a power bank to explode ?
1)Exposing the battery to the unsafe environment. Exposing the battery to unsafe environment such as high temperature or humidity can cause the cheap unbranded power bank to explode.Rise in temperature has the ability to cut your battery life by half.
2) Constantly overcharging the power bank
Constantly overcharging the power bank may damage the batteries if the power bank is not equipped with quality power protection features.Remember when EE recalled all power bars.
3)Malfunctioned Overcharge prevention IC
A malfunctioned overcharge prevention IC will cause the power bank to explode.
4)Recycled batteries
Some power bank dealers use recycled batteries on new power banks which may have an effect on the end user. Power banks built with cheap batteries could easily explode or start a fire.
To be safe,buy a branded power bank from a reliable and trusted vendor.
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Charging your smartphone using your subwoofer
Last Friday will be a day I'll never Forget.I had just bought a subwoofer and was enjoying the output when suddenly it stopped working.(After 6hours of Use).My panic button got activated.I tried troubleshooting but all in vain.I couldn't believe it
I went on a Google search spree and came across people who were experiencing the similar problem.After a tiresome digging ,I came up with 2 theories;
1)My subwoofer had switched to auto-standby because of lack of an audio signal and the remedy to this was to Set my receiver base higher
2)A Fuse had blown and also the ic had been damaged.This was my worst fear.So I leant towards the first theory.
So today,I went to try my sub on a
Friend's house and was disappointed.
My sub couldn't work.My friend called on a qualified technician who came and opened up the sub and after careful examination Located a burnt I.C.This confirmed my worst Fears.Then it dawned on me .
Flashback,during the 6 hours I was playing music,I had my phone charging using the USB port while at the same time using it.I plugged into the Port while at 12% ,as time went by there was surprisingly no change .It stuck at 12%.Did I overdraw more power from the port that led to the damage of the IC?
With 5V , the USB bus can charge a
small single-cell Li-ion pack, but there is a danger of overloading the USB hub . Charging a device that draws 5V together with other loads(in my case using the phone while charging) connected will exceed the port’s current limit(5V) leading to a voltage drop and a possible system damage. To prevent overload, some subs contain current-limiting circuits that switches to Auto standby mode when overdrawn.Now ,Charging my 3.7V Li-ion began by applying a constant current to a voltage peak of 4.2V, Where did the (5.0V-4.2V)?Read on the Attrition power .Once it reached the peak voltage,the voltage started plummeting.Due to the voltage drop,as well as losses in the charging circuit and the fact that I was using the phone while charging,this might have led an overdraw lets say 2 times my 3.7V(7.4V) which exceeds the circuit limit by 2.4V (thereby charging circuit loss) and this led to the ic damage.
The Ic was replaced and all is good.Just Learnt my lesson.
Thursday, 14 April 2016
The contrails left by airplanes flying at high attitudes
On sunday when i visited
thecountryside , I came across Johnny, a farmer,basking at his farm field, watching a 'lonely' cloud drift away,
taking with it the last hope of a much-desired burst of rain.Feeling disappointed,he returns to his home fetches a can and heads to the almost drying river to at least get some water to irrigate on his farm.
As he irrigates his farm he tells me an idea he once heard on radio of inducing rain.He says that seeds are sprinkled on the clouds then rain is formed.I quickly interrupt him and say "Cloud Seeding?".."Kitu kama Hiyo."He responds.Cloud seeding is the process of inducing rain in areas struck by drought.Just like a farmer throws seeds to his farm,cloud seeding companies also throw 'seeds' but this time it maybe silver iodide, dry ice and various salts that acts as water droplet nuclei.Silver iodide is used to increase the ice concentration in the clouds.In the past,we've witnessed Russia practising the method.Like the infamous case when Russia threw bags of cement and sand into the clouds with the aim of enhancing precipitation following the upcoming public event.It failed and the outcome was displayed on "1000 ways to Die".The video was that of a pimp that fell a victim to the particles that failed to fragment.
When droplets of this super-cooled water in the air meet specks of dust, salt or sand, they form small ice crystals . Water vapour in the cloud then freezes directly onto the surface of these crystals. When these crystals become too heavy to stay afloat, they fall down as rain.
Though the method has been common practised in nations like Russia, the method has been surrounded by controversy.For instance,the fear of polluting the masses with the silver iodide used.In the case a large amount of silver iodide is used,then chances of masses getting polluted are high.Also who knows,an innocent civilian may falla victim to the method.Think of it,the damage that would be caused if the sand fails to fragment.
Follow on Twitter This has also led to an uproar by conspiracy theorists which has led to the infamous Chemtrail conspiracy theory which argues that the contrails left by airplanes flying at high attitudes are harmful to the masses and fear that this could lead to adverse health effects on the masses.
All in all,anything involving chemicals has some adverse side effects
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My view
Don't you just love the countryside atmosphere.So serene.Its healthy to get off your busy schedule and hit the road once in a while. I took mine today:
Was surprised to see changes. Last time I checked ,this path was bushy and had avocado .But today I came to this
All the avocado trees have been cleared to pave way for a new road.Next stop was at the banana plantation.I got a soft spot for bananas
This tree is 67 years old.Owners of the tree have been advised to cut it down but all that has fallen on deaf ears.Reason still unknown
The tea plantation is the main source of income at the village
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Reducing tears when cutting onions
Its a known fact that onions are way too smelly and often make you cry while cutting them.The real struggle is staying 'tear-free' during the process of slicing and dicing the onions.
The only technique I know of which actually works for stopping the irritation of eyes when chopping onions is the use onion Protective goggles that feature a soft foam seal inside the frame to keep out eye-stinging vapors when chopping onions.Forget about all the other techniques like holding a wooden matchstick between your teeth,eating bread while slicing and dicing the onions.
Another method can be reducing the internal pressure of the onion cells prior to chopping them.I always put my onions in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes,followed by quickly cutting the onions by a sharp knife and it works.
My neighbor prefers using only a sharp knife because it slices cleanly, rather than crushing the onion cells that contains juice and volatile compounds(Sulfenic acid ) known to cause irritation to one's eyes and sinuses.
And again,the easiest method is to just not look at the onions while chopping it. However,you have to be really sure of your knife skills
RELATED: Onion tea,anyone?
Onion tea,anyone?
It's a known fact that Onions are way too smelly and make you cry but they have a good side too.
I remember way back then, when my grandma used to boil an onion in tea and give it to me to drink whenever I had a cold.And just like the common cold would vanish.I also witnessed a neighbour who used to take raw onions as an escort whenever he was having breakfast."Mbona unakula kitunguu kwa chai?"(Why are you taking onions together with tea?I would ask him.He would respond by handing me a plate of raw onions together with a cup of tea which I struggled to take.He would proceed to lecture me on how it cleaned the nasal cavity and also chest congestion issues.
Well,onions have a far much better side despite the smell ;
Remove rust from knives
Onion really come in handy in removing rust from knives.Carefully pass the rusted part into the juicy part of the onion 5-6 times and wait for the outcome.
Keep frost off your car windows
Smash cut onions into a bucket of warm water ,stir and then sprinkle the solution on your car window.Leave it overnight and you'll wake up to sparkled windows and zero streaks
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Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Anyone who’s finished a marathon wouldn’t be shocked to find that the enduring effort caused damage to their body and heart. I vividly remember while in a school I would get punished by the Games teacher for not completing the first lap.I always tried to explain to him but all that fell on deaf ears. Did you know that too much running can lead to a shorter lifespan?
Well,a Research study that was done confirms this.The enzyme that is released after
Biznerati 5th Edition Option 1 $0.30 USD Option 2 $0.30 USD Option 3 $0.30 USD running a marathon is the same as the one released when there is heart failure.Well,by now you already know what that means.When one runs continously from day to day as much as it controls weight , stress reduction, better
blood pressure ,perfecting the body and allowing free flow of blood circulation,it could also pose a risk of shorter lifespan on the downside.
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That's why its advisable to have a moderate or average running regimen. At least a break should be in between.It's much healthier to run a comfortable distance.Moderation is KEY.
The fact that there is similarity between the enzyme released after running a marathon and when heart failure occurs is reason enough to activate the moderation button. Tweet
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READ ALSO: Fitness Basics:Running for your Life
'Road safety 'app that helps passengers make sound decisions
Picture this,you are in a matatu and you are feeling kind of weird at the speed the matatu is moving at?You start getting some shots of premonitions into your mind.You are afraid of telling the driver to slow down.You just feel like telling the driver to stop so that you can alight though you still have some kilometers to reach your destination.Worry not,this app does it all.
This app gives you all the speed details about the moving vehicle that you are in as you will see in the screenshot below
Once you see the full log its now time to alight from the vehicle if your worst fears are confirmed.This app also:
Chart your progress, get notified at every milestone, and see a full log of all your past goals
• See a full list of all your personal bests for races, distances and times for any sport or activity, whether you’re doing epic hiking treks,
running ultra-marathons
Download the runkeeper app