Sunday 4 December 2016


With your words and deeds and the frown on your Face

You killed me inside , guess it’s the end of the race

It’s like you murdered me, buried me in a catacomb and threw dust on my casket

But I’m alive

That means i survived

Came back from the ashes, riding on the wings of Love

A possession you’ve ever desired to have

But can’t Have

Because you don’t deserve and even if you deserved, she will decline to serve

You, because of who you are

When i was married to you, all i ever felt was pain, no gain

You’ve grieved the Spirit, you drove me insane

Jealousy was always written all over your Face when you saw me speaking to my good neighbour LOVE

I remember that night , you chased her out of my House ,i rebuked telling you she was a good and true friend most people desire to Have

But it all fell on deaf ears,3 weeks later ,you were back on the same habit, aarrgh! The Nerve

There was a time you told her to never cross the boundary,

Warned you to stop harassing her, but you blinded by Luxury
You drew the line on the sand

I remember the expression on her Face. She was Sad

For a moment i was blind till that day

I heard you talking to your Best friend over the phone saying t.. CONTINUE READING IN THIS FREE BOOOKLET

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