Thursday 4 January 2018

Self Medicate Bad Moods

Exit Intent Bad moods can ruin a good day, that is why it would be useful to be able to snap out of the bad moods when needed.We have emotions for a reason, they are the unconscious mind's way of telling us we need to do something.Recognition of your mental state ,that is, Your Bad Mood, is the first step.I'd like to share what i usually do and you can also comment on what works for you;

Shift the Paradigm: At times,i shift the model of how i view life and this helps a lot in self medicating bad moods.I always think thoughts that build me up rather than drown me down.

Write;When my bad moods wage war,i tend to write Seriously. This is the best time for that. Somehow, during those ‘low ‘phases, you come out with your best literary works. Jot down anything, poems, spoken word e.t.c.Writing helps in catharsis

Living Truth
Started Exploring:"Seeking answers to Life Questions "

Eat. I am a stress eater basically(hehe). But then, I think this works universally.I always take a happy fruit from the fridge.

Music This also works universally.I always listen to music that acts as a subtitle for my current bad mood.Works perfectly.It may appear to weaken but it makes me strong. RELATED:Why people have different tastes when it comes to Music Sleep.

When the thoughts wage war,i take a power nap and when i wake up,i feel refreshed.

Surrounding myself with Nature and Animals:As an empath ,this act rejuvenates me and at times i also watch videos of babies and animals talking.

A mental exercise: I think 3 times of something good/positive that happened to me or something i achieved today / yesterday

READ ALSO:Ways Of Beating A Bad Mood At times i look up to the sky and think of my brain like a blue sky. The blue sky has white clouds and dark clouds that come and go.FIRST TIME VISITOR,HERE ARE SOME FREEBIES
Living Truth
Started Exploring:"Seeking answers to Life Questions "
When you have a bad mood/thought you can remember that the blue sky (your calm mind/body) is there beneath the dark clouds (bad mood/thought) that come and go.Simply view the bad mood/thought as a cloud that is passing by, and not changing your calm mood (blue sky) as it passes by. Follow updates on twitter