biznarati a portmanteau of (business and twiterati)This blog offers self help info and its main aim is to enlighten the society
Monday, 15 October 2018
Monday, 29 January 2018
Anti-texting and anti-distracted driving safety device that helps drivers stay focused and gain experience driving safely without distractions
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started out as a project to compete in the First Lego League |
Competition that they eventually won, is now in a position to save lives thanks to their prototype,the smartwheel.
•A team of teenagers comes up with a prototype smart wheel
•Their aim is to save lives
•We might witness the smartwheel on future automobiles
SMARTwheel is an anti-texting and anti-distracted driving safety device that helps drivers stay focused and gain experience driving safely without distractions. The Smart Wheel (Safe Motorist Alert for Restricting Texting) fits right over the steering wheel (you'll see on the Video below the post)and has built-in sensors that goes off if
you take one of your hands off the wheel, thus making it impossible to Text while driving. Awesome,isn't it?If warned too many times, the Smart Wheel will send a text message to the parents notifying them on their kids driving habits.(Giggles)This means the teens are MAINLY targeting the teenagers.Talk of instilling roots of responsibility among the future users.
READ ALSO;Road safety 'app that helps passengers make sound decisions
The teens showcased their prototype on the Entrepreneurial show Shark Tank where they were asking for $100k for a 15% stake. They need $75k to finish the
industrial design and get it ready for manufacturing. Robert(shark) offers them the $100k for 30%of the business contingent on a big car company interested in a licensing deal.
Mark Cuban steps in and says he would be interested in going in on the deal but he wants to drop the contingency on the deal. They can take the prototype directly to the car manufacture and have them in on the final design saving the much needed capital for other expenses and the deal is reached.
Good to witness how technology is impacting positively on our lives and also for programs like shark tank for giving the potential minds a platform and financial support for the realization of the dreams.
I guess future automobiles will have the smartwheel.Banking all my hopes on that.Thanks to shark tank,lives have been saved.
Also visit their website
Friday, 26 January 2018
Fish pedicure therapy

-Biznerati talks about Fish pedicure
-How it feels like getting a treat from doctor fish
-Is it safe?
Imagine getting your leg 'spa'd' by a fish?Sounds weird.I know.Well,its true and it's a practice common in some spas in Kenya.Its not the ordinary type of fish used,it's the Doctor fish . . Welcome to
Fish pedicure therapy.
The Doctor fish is a fish particularly used for treating skin diseases and it's also used in skin softening.Others call it the epidermis-eating fish.All you need to do is insert your legs on the home-made pond containing thousands of the Doctor fish and relax as the Doctor fish do their work.
The first time you insert your legs on the pond you'll get that 'ticklish' Feeling but with time you'll get used to it.Maybe that 'ticklish' feeling you get is a way of them greeting you or welcoming you for the service.(Giggles)After running your legs deep on the pond for approximately 30mins .You remove the legs from the pond and apply some oil to the skin to soften the leg around the skin further and that way you are good to go
Over the years fish pedicure therapy has been banned in several countries after questions arose of the spread of fungal diseases.With people streaming in to use the therapy,questions rose of how secure they were in terms of health if the same doctor fish were being used for different clients.
Because if a doctor fish feeds on the dead skin of the first client, then the 2nd client uses the same water in the tank(pond) and the same doctor fish,wouldn't there be a risk of skin disease or fungal infections??
However,beauty clinics offering fish pedicure therapy defended themselves saying they do not use the same water to different clients.
They use filters and are able to change water used and also they check on the client's feet before dunking their feet on the tank(pond)
The fish pedicure therapy service goes for $80 that's approximately sh7000.Next time you are visiting the spa centre ask whether they do fish pedicure therapy.
You'll love it . I recommend this spa centre>>
Guilty Pleasure:Consuming overcooked meals
Biznerati has found out the health effects associated with eating french fries frequently.Are you addicted to fries?Its about that time you
stop from taking them frequently if you want to live a healthy life.Here is how it all started.
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such as potato chips (potato crisps),French fries, and bread that had been heated higher than 120 °C (248 °F) (production
of acrylamide in the heating process was shown to be temperature-dependent). [11] It was not
found in food that had been boiled[11][12] or in foods that were not heated.[SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA]
So what is acrylamide??Acrylamide is a chemical compound.Its physical properties include white,odourless and crystalline solid,its solube in water. However,acrylamide decomposes thermally to produce carbon monoxide and carbon(II)oxide. The fact that it produces those two poisonous gases is enough reason to raise
eyebrows.High accmulated levels of acrylamide in the body can be
harmful to health.
This is how acrylamide enters
your body.An amino acid naturally found in potatoes .In potatoes,its highly concentrated.Now when potatoes are heated to higher temperatures,acrylamide is

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continues eating overcooked potatoes frequently,the levels of acrylamide increases and this
can be harmful to your body.Take for example In the event acrylamide decomposes thermally in the body system,carbon(II)oxide is emitted in the body.Come to think of it,carbon(II)Oxide in your body system.This can lead to suffocation which then leads to untimely death.
RELATED:Acrylamide in dark chocolates
NB:This applies to the potatoes or natural vegetables that have been exposed to high temperatures through frying and others
Take care of your health.Remember,your body is your responsibility.
Wednesday, 10 January 2018
Leading Cause of excessive daytime sleepiness

Let's say you living with your roommate.More often,he or she tends to sleep earlier than you.Could be his or her routine sleep cycle.So tonight is that night.
You are watching your favorite late night movie when you suddenly hear a loud snort.Surprise surprise!!Guess who it's coming from?Your roommate.Then after a few minutes you hear the loud snort again.This goes on for around 25 times in a duration of an hour.Then your roomie starts snoring.You quickly wear your signature headphones and continue watching the movie.
The next morning you ask your roomie of the loud snorts and to his surprise he tells you that he was not aware of the loud snorts which leaves you equally surprised.During the day,you observe the roomie excessive sleepiness which widens the gapoff puzzle.
Turns out the roomie has a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea.(where one experiences breathing pauses while asleep).
The Breathing pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes.(Shallow breathing) Typically, normal breathing then starts again, sometimes with a loud snort.This disorder tends to disrupt sleep more so if you tend to have more apnea events during your 8 hours. When you're asleep, the muscles will relax, allowing the throat to collapse , causing an interruption of airflow,during these time one experiences shallow breathing or breathing pause which later triggers activities that tend to increase airflow which includes a loud snort and even snoring.
The more apnea events one experiences,the more tired they'll get when they wake up and also experience excessive sleepiness during the day.
Monday, 8 January 2018
Onion Tea
It's a known fact that Onions are way too smelly and make you cry but they have a good side too.
I remember way back then, when my grandma used to boil an onion in tea and give it to me to drink whenever I had a cold.And just like the common cold would vanish.I also witnessed a neighbour who used to take raw onions as an escort whenever he was having breakfast."Mbona unakula kitunguu kwa chai?"(Why are you taking onions together with tea?I would ask him.He would respond by handing me a plate of raw onions together with a cup of tea which I struggled to take.He would proceed to lecture me on how it cleaned the nasal cavity and also chest congestion issues.
Well,onions have a far much better side despite the smell ;
Remove rust from knives
Onion really come in handy in removing rust from knives.Carefully pass the rusted part into the juicy part of the onion 5-6 times and wait for the outcome.
Keep frost off your car windows
Smash cut onions into a bucket of warm water ,stir and then sprinkle the solution on your car window.Leave it overnight and you'll wake up to sparkled windows and zero streaks
Living Truth
Started Exploring:"Seeking answers to Life Questions "
Beneath the Skin A New Creation
READ ALSO: Drinking Icy chilled water in between meals could extinguish the 'digestive fire' bringing about complications
Saturday, 6 January 2018
The contrails left by airplanes flying at night altitudes
"In Every seed there is a tree"
THE Need for man In this Life:"Let Hope rise"
"I was on the Quest:"Seeking my purpose in Life
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On sunday when i visited
thecountryside , I came across Johnny, a farmer,basking at his farm field, watching a 'lonely' cloud drift away,
taking with it the last hope of a much-desired burst of rain.Feeling disappointed,he returns to his home fetches a can and heads to the almost drying river to at least get some water to irrigate on his farm.
As he irrigates his farm he tells me an idea he once heard on radio of inducing rain.He says that seeds are sprinkled on the clouds then rain is formed.I quickly interrupt him and say "Cloud Seeding?".."Kitu kama Hiyo."He responds.Cloud seeding is the process of inducing rain in areas struck by drought.Just like a farmer throws seeds to his farm,cloud seeding companies also throw 'seeds' but this time it maybe silver iodide, dry ice and various salts that acts as water droplet nuclei.Silver iodide is used to increase the ice concentration in the clouds.In the past,we've witnessed Russia practising the method.Like the infamous case when Russia threw bags of cement and sand into the clouds with the aim of enhancing precipitation following the upcoming public event.It failed and the outcome was displayed on "1000 ways to Die".The video was that of a pimp that fell a victim to the particles that failed to fragment.
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When droplets of this super-cooled water in the air meet specks of dust, salt or sand, they form small ice crystals . Water vapour in the cloud then freezes directly onto the surface of these crystals. When these crystals become too heavy to stay afloat, they fall down as rain.
Though the method has been common practised in nations like Russia, the method has been surrounded by controversy.For instance,the fear of polluting the masses with the silver iodide used.In the case a large amount of silver iodide is used,then chances of masses getting polluted are high.Also who knows,an innocent civilian may falla victim to the method.Think of it,the damage that would be caused if the sand fails to fragment.
Follow on Twitter This has also led to an uproar by conspiracy theorists which has led to the infamous Chemtrail conspiracy theory which argues that the contrails left by airplanes flying at high attitudes are harmful to the masses and fear that this could lead to adverse health effects on the masses.
All in all,anything involving chemicals has some adverse side effects
READ ALSO: East or West,Home is best
Terrors of Jungle captivity:Hostages in Paradise
What happens when a group of researchers(anthropologists) are held hostage by the community in return for compensation of past political deep injustices?
Well,that's what happens in Hostage in Paradise.The documentary tells the terrifying story of a group of British researchers who held were held captive by Papuan tribesmen in the remote province of Irian Jaya in 1996.The young scientists rather anthropologists were preparing to return home after a peaceful
two month mission(research), when they were betrayed by a trusted local colleague and taken in the bing by an angry group of armed rebel freedom fighters.
Now caught in a violent political
struggle between the rebels and the
Indonesian military, days turned into weeks,weeks turned into months as the group was marched even more deeper into the impassable terrain.
Living Truth
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When negotiations for their release collapsed even after the involvement of experts, the half-starved hostages found themselves in the midst of a brutal armed conflict, which resulted in the murder of some members of their team.
This fascinating special presents a harrowing personal account of the terrors of jungle captivity.
FOLLOW INSTAGRAM Check the full documentary
Thursday, 4 January 2018
Icy chilled water or cool water immediately after meal or in-between meals
You probably have been advised by an older person not to drink water in between meals as it slows down the digestive process. Some say it leads to high cholesterol levels in the body. Some even say the habit contributes to cancer.Some even consider the habit to be a sign of disrespect to the elders in some communities.Could there be some truth?
According to Ayurveda experts , cold drinks after a meal or in between meals,extinguishes agni(digestive fire)and promotes ama(toxins that are as a result of poor digestion) Sipping hot water, on the other hand, improves digestion and appears to help keep open the countless channels throughout the body where ama (the toxins) can collect.
READ ALSO:Former consumer of flavored drinks, tells of how he used to drink tons of flavoured water till he started getting some weird flaky skins on his cheek
Living Truth
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I never understood why my parents would always advise me to refrain from my habit of drinking chilled drinks in between meals,till recently when I came across an article by Ayurveda experts
When you drink chilled drinks in between meals or after meals,it tends to slow down the breakdown
of fat globules in the duodenum into tiny droplets ,this fat may have an effect of plasma levels of gastrin.That's why it's safer to drink hot water after meals.Hot water improves the digestion process and purges the toxins.
I once drank an icy chilled flavored drink after a heavy afternoon meal and five minutes later I started experiencing severe abdominal pain.The pain was excruciating. I later took some crushed charcoal mixed with water which had some positive effect.
Teenagers these days have a made drinking icy chilled drinks in between meals a cool thing to do,which is a worrying trend.In areas with high temperatures,drinking icy chilled water or flavored drinks
Could prove to be an irresistible urge but it's important to satisfy the urge after digestion time has elapsed.This is to avert the consequences that might result from poor digestion
Self Medicate Bad Moods
Exit Intent Bad moods can ruin a good day, that is why it would be useful to be able to snap out of the bad moods when needed.We have emotions for a reason, they are the unconscious mind's way of telling us we need to do something.Recognition of your mental state ,that is, Your Bad Mood, is the first step.I'd like to share what i usually do and you can also comment on what works for you;
Shift the Paradigm: At times,i shift the model of how i view life and this helps a lot in self medicating bad moods.I always think thoughts that build me up rather than drown me down.
Write;When my bad moods wage war,i tend to write Seriously. This is the best time for that. Somehow, during those ‘low ‘phases, you come out with your best literary works. Jot down anything, poems, spoken word e.t.c.Writing helps in catharsis
Living Truth
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Eat. I am a stress eater basically(hehe). But then, I think this works universally.I always take a happy fruit from the fridge.
Music This also works universally.I always listen to music that acts as a subtitle for my current bad mood.Works perfectly.It may appear to weaken but it makes me strong. RELATED:Why people have different tastes when it comes to Music Sleep.
When the thoughts wage war,i take a power nap and when i wake up,i feel refreshed.
Surrounding myself with Nature and Animals:As an empath ,this act rejuvenates me and at times i also watch videos of babies and animals talking.
A mental exercise: I think 3 times of something good/positive that happened to me or something i achieved today / yesterday
READ ALSO:Ways Of Beating A Bad Mood At times i look up to the sky and think of my brain like a blue sky. The blue sky has white clouds and dark clouds that come and go.
Living Truth
Started Exploring:"Seeking answers to Life Questions "
When you have a bad mood/thought you can remember that the blue sky (your calm mind/body) is there beneath the dark clouds (bad mood/thought) that come and go.Simply view the bad mood/thought as a cloud that is passing by, and not changing your calm mood (blue sky) as it passes by. Follow updates on twitter
Dissipating sleep inertia
["Hitherto,I was blind to the meaning of Life"]
[The Answer to Life Questions ]
["And the door was opened"]

Do you ever feel so groggy after you wake up from a nap?I'm a victim of this. naps are tricky because you either wake up refreshed and relaxed or you have a headache, dry throat, and are unaware of what year you’re in
Although daytime naps provide cognitive benefits,some often leave you with Sleep inertia upon waking. It appears as the feeling of grogginess that reduces your ability to perform dexterity. Many including myself tend to dissipate morning sleep inertia by checking emails,reading rants and scanning news."My husband tends to hit the snooze button more than 5 times and this snooze cycle is having a negative effect on me."Pam says."This has contributed to my sleep inertia since I always wake during the REM Phase".
According to an IDC Research report ,79% Of those surveyed admitted to checking their phones within 15 minutes of waking up.This habit makes me feel awake and alert much quicker.My Inertia tends to be worse when I take an afternoon nap.I wake up with this feeling of grogginess.It usually takes around 20 minutes before it dissipates.That's why I've ditched afternoon naps.
A Study in Ireland found that executive mental functions are slower to return to normal after a nap than the ability to do simpler things.
That's why you experience a short term memory loss when in that state.
1)Wake up at the correct stage in your sleep cycle.
2)Use a Light Up Alarm
( You set when you want to get up, and the Wake-Up light starts beeping at that time—softly at first, then louder .A simulated sunrise has already started, transitioning from a dim glow to full brightness . By the time the sound kicks in,Your room is all lit up).
4)Set up an alarm to wake you at the correct stage in your sleep cycle.There are apps that are able to make you know your the stages of your sleep cycle.After knowing the stages,you can now determine the correct stage in your sleep cycle.This will prevent you from waking up in the REM Stage.
READ ALSO: Snoring could be an early sign of a sleep disorder
The Curse of Iatrogenesis
["Hitherto,I was blind to the meaning of Life"]
[The Answer to Life Questions ]
["And the door was opened"]
Did you know that iatrogenesis is the 3rd leading cause of death in America??(Doctor-induced
deaths).A shocking report on iatrogenesis revealed that up to 225,000 die annually as a result of iatrogenesis.Which raises eyebrows and questions on how safe are patients(we) in the hands of doctors.
>> Read the shocking report
According to Wikipedia ,Iatrogenic refers to any consequence of medical treatment or advice to a patient. It also refers to the illness that results from a misdiagnosis and as a result leads to painful slow death.This is often practised by rogue hospitals that are only interested in money and in most cases often physicians often recommend surgery even for the not serious medical cases.This reminds me of the Empire series Terrence Howard as Lucious Lyon, a former drug dealer turned hip hop mogul and the CEO
of Empire Entertainment, who was misdiagonised with ALS and you even saw the depression inflicted on Him.This also reminds me of the movie SUBLIME.
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The movie centers on the protagonist George Grieves ,who checks into the Mt. Abaddon Hospital for a routine procedure only to find horrors await him(FYI,Grieves suffers from colon cancer). Awakening from what was supposedly a simple colonoscopy ,
Grieves is told by hospital staff
that due to confusion arising from similar patient names he was mistakenly given a sympathectomy to cure sweaty palms
["Hitherto,I was blind to the meaning of Life"]
[The Answer to Life Questions ]
["And the door was opened"]
.(That's where iatrogenesis steps in.The doctors have made a medical error.
[Misdiagnosis alert]> [1st step in iatrogenesis ]
As the days tick by Mr. Grieves' post- operative experiences grow even more bizarre.(Consequences of the medical error(iatrogenesis) are being felt)until he finally realizes that he is caught inside a nightmare of his own creation and seems unable to escape or awaken back in the real world . [The iatrogenic effect]
He understands that something has gone wrong in his post-operative
recovery which is keeping him trapped in this netherworld of manifestations
of all of his worst fears but he understands neither what the problem is nor what, if anything, he can do to awaken from it.We eventually see his condition from his family's perspective and it appears hopeless.The doctors explain that there was a complication during the Sympathectomy which created an air bubble in his bloodstream that eventually reached his brain and caused so much damage that he ended up in an apparently permanent vegetative state>[ Complication
arising from the misdiagnosis now manifesting]He's been dead to the outside world for 10 months and his family is being pressured to remove all artificial means of life support .[ Side effects of the medical error on the physician's part]
Excerpt credit : Source
RELATED: When "Cures" make us more sicker
If you haven't watched the movie,it's time to watch it.I almost cried when I watched the entire movie.The patient ,George Grieves,later finds his ride or die wife in a romping session with the doctor.Grieves in his state later suffers under the hands of his 'black' physicians who tortures Grieves to death.This movie wrecks emotions.The movie painted a picture of what is happening in some of our hospitals.
The rogue hospitals use this as a venue for milking more cash.That's why i advise you to be wise and
intelligent enough to know what's happening.Want to know whether you have been a victim of iatrogenesis??Very easy.
Some iatrogenic effects are clearly defined and are recognised with so
much ease;
• A complication following a surgical operation ( e.g.Instead of
having a colonoscopy(colon surgery) ,a physician performs a thoracic surgery,now the complication that arises from that medical error can make you recognize that you've been 'iatrogenised'.This can often lead to death as one becomes stressed up and suicidal thoughts flood the minds of most victims of this unfortunate act.When visiting a hospital be well informed of your disease so as to avoid being a victim of iatrogenesis or to avoid being iatrogenised as i
like to say.
Good news;I recently came across some awareness campaign about reporting cases of Medical error
Are you a victim of iatrogenesis or medical error ?Yes,Visit this link and file a claim
Tuesday, 2 January 2018
Woow!Taking Surprising Risks For The Body

The society beauty standards has transformed majority into using all means to fit in the threshold. And because of that many darkskinned females are applying skin lightening products so as to appear light skinned because that's what the society today has valorized.Many Women seeking validation in the society,and this is a worrying trend.
In Jamaica, women have come up with some of their own unique, homegrown beauty enhancement techniques.The use of Chicken Pills.
●Fashioned In my mother's womb
●THE Final Test in the school of Life everyone must undertake
It started from the country and now is spreading like bushfire with more women across the continent embracing it so as to get a much more Afrocentric body type that is valorized.
What I find amazing is the degree
to which women will put themselves at risk to fit an image that will make them celebrated.Be comfortable in your own skin.Remember you are wonderfully and fearfully made.
I happened to be at the hospital around two weeks ago and saw 3 ladies in their early 20s.One abnormal thing i noticed on one of the girls was her unusual big bum.I mean there is a big bum but then this one was way bigger.The 2 ladies assisted the 'big- bummed' take a sit at the patients bench i was sitting as i waited for my turn to go and see the doctor.
"Now see what you've done for yourself.I warned you from the start of the side effects of that pill,"one of the lady who had accompanied the 'big-bummed' scolded at her in luo."Ok a winj ma ber,line ni ok sudi yawa.A regret marach[i'm not feeling well,the line is not moving i regret badly],said the lady writhing in pain.
A standby nurse witnessed what was happening and passed by to ask what the problem was.
"Shida ni gani?"[what's the problem?]
"Huyu alitumia chicken pill.Uneza msaidia,[She used the infamous chicken pill.Can you assist her]"one of the ladies who had accompanied her answered."I ni side effects ya kutumia that,mbebe adi kwa room 07 kisha mutapata daktari,[These are the side effects,carry her till room 07,you'll see the doctor]"the nurse told them.They proceeded to carry her.I felt pity for the young lass.As sombre thoughts were flooding my mind,i felt a pat on my shoulder.I looked up,"Hey,it's your turn,"a woman with chubby cheeks and that keri hilson smile told me.I entered the room.
The Need for man in this world:"Let Hope Rise"
Now onto the main story.Chicken pillhas always been used by farmers on their chicken with the sole purpose of making them grow faster.
The chicken pill is made up of hormones that alter growth hormones in chicken and also human beings.
That's why farmers use the pill.Like any other pill,the chicken pill has its side effects.The side effects manifest with time.What worries me more is after farmers continue adding chicken pill to the chicken feed,the pills hormones continue to pile up in the chickens body.
Once the chicken is sold and consumed, the piled up hormones now transfer into the human system and you know what that means.I think farmers sold the idea to desperate ladies who needed to get that 'coca-cola' shape.
Arsenic found to be in the pill is known to cause cancer.Long period consumption of the pill eventually leads to higher levels of arsenic in the body which eventually leads to cancer.Ladies,it's better to use padded under wears instead of pills to fix your derriere.
●Fashioned In my mother's womb
●THE Final Test in the school of Life everyone must undertake
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