Wednesday, 12 October 2016

The Inner Voice

You’ve  probably heard of people talking about the inner voice or i bet you’ve felt that inner voice. You may have heard the   voice a long time ago or even almost daily. The voice telling you why you shouldn’t go, what is the right thing and what is the wrong thing, why you should not eat this, why you should eat that e.t.c. We all have a conscience that is constantly talking to us. Whenever we do something, there is that soft inner voice telling you if it’s okay or not or how you should do it differently. When you start listening to this soft inner voice it grows louder but when you ignore the soft inner voice it get more softer till it can’t  be heard. I admit there are times when i used to spend more time on the internet bored, just surfing around, then i would hear my conscience telling me to go and take a bath so i can feel refreshed and then come back. And i would hearken to the voice, and it worked perfectly. I’ve   seen someone do something awkward and then afterward when asked,” a voice told me not to do that but i did .There was a time my mum was conned. When i asked her why she allowed to be conned, she said “My instinct told me not to give out the money but i ignored”. There are times when my conscience condemns me and there are times when it is clear. The conscience condemns me when I’ve   done something wrong , something that goes contrary to my moral values or principles. But when i do something that conforms to my   moral values or set standard or principles, then it’s clear. Every single person born has this innate knowledge [a clear standard by which he or she judges himself] within himself/herself. This is the common denominator that binds human beings together. One has not been taught but he or she knows automatically that this is wrong from instinct. For instance, everybody knows what will happen if he or she inserts the finger on flames of fire, killing somebody e.t.c

The conscience is the judgement that helps in distinguishing between right and wrong. You’ve   had times when after you’ve done an action that goes against your moral values or principle, you’ve  probably  had this feeling of remorse. At times , after your actions have conformed to the given moral values or principles ,you feel glad and at peace. That is the voice within speaking. That’s  your conscience speaking .I must say   there are times, I’ve felt like stealing a 500/- note that  my mum has accidentally misplaced, but then the voice within condemns me before i do it. and at most times i always heed to the voice, there are times i sometimes suppress the inner voice and do the contrary.

When i give heed to the inner voice, i always pick  up the note and return  it to  my mother, my conscience stays clear and i get a feeling of rectitude. In my previous booklet, i discussed on  the relation between the Heart, the thoughts, the spirit and words. 

Now in this booklet, I’ll try to establish the relation between the conscience and the spirit of a person.

»» The Heart,the thoughts,the spirit,words and deeds 

Grab the free Booklet: The Conscience and the human spirit 

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