Wednesday, 26 October 2016


The sun comes out of its Home , Like an eager athlete eager for the race before  him

The Sun runs its race till it sets, invisibly beckoning the moon to take the centre stage

From dusk to dawn, the moon appears to rule over the night, the Sun rules over   the Day

Each day announces it to the next Each night repeats it to the next No speech,no words are used,no sound is heard

Yet their message goes out to all the World And is heard from all the four corners of the Earth And everybody embraces the message

All  creation feels the heat of the sun when its in charge

All creation feels the cold that comes with the night

The warmth that comes with ardour of the sun rays

Able to see vividly with the Light

The sun is seen in the sky ,patrolling,running its race,no speech is heard

Yet its message is embraced In the morning,the suns seems to be saying, “Come out and bask,get that Vitamin D” And most people give heed

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At noon, its message may be, “Take a shelter,quench your thirst lest I dehydrate you with my scorching Heat” And the message is embraced

At 3 o’clock ,its message may be, “Please,those who are walking   protect your eyes” And at times people wear shades

AT 6 o’clock, its message may be, “I’m about to set, goodbye,see you at the break of dawn, my sister moon is about to take charge”

The night creeps in slowly  as the last rays of the Sun fade out of feel Its black and white, the message seems to be, “Hurry get into your Homes, before the dark settles the mugs are about to come in view”

Most people embrace the message When the dark settles and the moon and stars are in full crystal view, the message seems to be, “ it’.....