Thursday 28 July 2016

Biz Files

WELCOME TO 2016:Biznerati message DOWNLOAD (0.6MB)

Bunch of Bananas led to a temporary shutdown of a supermarket|| DOWNLOAD (0.9MB)

THROWBACK TALES:Short Love campus story  DOWNLOAD (1.5MB)

Has this ever happened to you while in an examination  DOWNLOAD (0.88MB)

TBT:Weekly Podcast   LISTEN 

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Self Medicate Bad moods

Exit Intent Bad moods can ruin a good day, that is why it would be useful to be able to snap out of the bad moods when needed.We have emotions for a reason, they are the unconscious mind's way of telling us we need to do something.Recognition of your mental state ,that is, Your Bad Mood, is the first step.I'd like to share what i usually do and you can also comment on what works for you;

Shift the Paradigm: At times,i shift the model of how i view life and this helps a lot in self medicating bad moods.I always think thoughts that build me up rather than drown me down.

Write;When my bad moods wage war,i tend to write Seriously. This is the best time for that. Somehow, during those ‘low ‘phases, you come out with your best literary works. Jot down anything, poems, spoken word e.t.c.Writing helps in catharsis

Eat. I am a stress eater basically. But then, I think this works universally.I always take a happy fruit from the fridge.

Music This also works universally.I always listen to music that acts as a subtitle for my current bad mood.Works perfectly.It may appear to weaken but it makes me strong. RELATED:Why people have different tastes when it comes to Music Sleep.

When the thoughts wage war,i take a power nap and when i wake up,i feel refreshed.

Surrounding myself with Nature and Animals:As an empath ,this act rejuvenates me and at times i also watch videos of babies and animals talking.

A mental exercise: I think 3 times of something good/positive that happened to me or something i achieved today / yesterday

READ ALSO:Ways Of Beating A Bad Mood At times i look up to the sky and think of my brain like a blue sky. The blue sky has white clouds and dark clouds that come and go.When you have a bad mood/thought you can remember that the blue sky (your calm mind/body) is there beneath the dark clouds (bad mood/thought) that come and go.Simply view the bad mood/thought as a cloud that is passing by, and not changing your calm mood (blue sky) as it passes by. Follow updates on twitter

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Dissipating Sleep Inertia

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Do you ever feel so groggy after you wake up from a nap?I'm a victim of this. naps are tricky because you either wake up refreshed and relaxed or you have a headache, dry throat, and are unaware of what year you’re in
Although daytime naps provide cognitive benefits,some  often leave you with Sleep inertia  upon waking. It appears as the feeling of grogginess that reduces your ability to perform dexterity. Many including myself tend to dissipate morning sleep inertia by checking emails,reading rants and scanning news."My husband tends to hit the snooze  button more than 5 times and this snooze cycle is having a negative effect on me."Pam says."This has contributed to my sleep inertia since I always wake during the REM Phase".
According to an IDC Research report ,79% Of those surveyed admitted to checking their phones within 15 minutes of waking up.This habit makes me  feel awake and alert much quicker.My  Inertia tends to be worse when  I take an afternoon nap.I wake up with this feeling of grogginess.It usually takes around 20 minutes before it dissipates.That's why I've ditched afternoon naps.
  A  Study in Ireland found that executive mental functions are slower to return to normal after a nap than the ability to do simpler things.That's why you experience a short term memory loss when in that state.




1)Wake up at the correct stage in your sleep cycle.

2)Use a  Light Up Alarm 
( You set when you want to get up, and the Wake-Up light starts beeping at that time—softly at first, then louder .A simulated sunrise has already started, transitioning from a dim glow to full brightness . By the time the sound kicks in,Your room is all lit up).


4)Set  up an alarm   to wake you at the correct stage in your sleep cycle.There are apps that are able to make you know your the stages of your sleep cycle.After knowing the stages,you can now determine the correct stage in your sleep cycle.This will prevent you from waking up in the REM Stage.

READ ALSO: Snoring could be an early sign of a sleep disorder  

Friday 22 July 2016

Sharing In Ear earphones

Funny how Gadget and technology enhancements that should make your life easy turn out to be costly, health wise.I remember meeting Joe, Meniere's disease ( is a disease of the inner ear which affects the auditory and balance systems of the body.) victim.We sat down and he started talking

BIZNERATI:Hello Joe,Welcome to the podcast
JOE:Thank you very much
BIZNERATI:Tell me more about your story
JOE:Well,it all started during my freshman days.Those good days when we didn't have much classes to attend to and almost every teen was caught up in the euphoria of wearing earphones.So I used to  share my premium in-ear earphones with  lots of friends since my earphones were one up
BIZNERATI:(sips water from glass)Continue
JOE:So one night,I started experiencing strange crackling,sometimes thumping ringing noise on my left ear.I remember that night I didn't sleep
BIZNERATI:Was it only on the left ear?
JOE:Yes.This stressed me a lot.I never slept for 3 consecutive nights 
BIZNERATI:Did you visit a doctor?
JOE:I never did 'cause I viewed this as a temporary situation.But that changed when it went chronic
BIZNERATI:What do you mean?
JOE: It reached a point where               where the moment I closed   my    eyes I’d become unstable and almost fall down.
BIZNERATI:Sorry about that,what happened next
JOE:I quickly went to the doctor and that's when the doctor revealed my worst fears.I had suffered a bad ear infection and  Apparently, my brain was using my eyes to make up for my messed up inner ear balance stuff.I wished the ground would open and swallow me.Where had I gotten the bad ear infection from?The doc told me ,could be from CONTINUE READING Posted via Blogaway

Deciphering Near Death Experiences

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I have always read about NDE and after reading I always got some insight on some of the Crucial creations.One can never ignore the impact Near-Death Experiences have on the 'experiencer'.I tend to believe that NDE could bring UTOPIA.If everyone experiences a NDE,i think there will be peace everywhere around all the corners of the World.This is because once you experience a NDE,you return with a new perspective of Life and a special MESSAGE. Like in this case of a woman who suffered from scarlet fever for 12 years  had a Life changing NDE.

The significance of near-death experiences can hardly be exaggerated, because they point toward answers to The Great Questions — life’s meaning Atwater shares her amazing findings, based on her sessions with more than 4,000 adults and children and over 40 years of research; a breathtaking culmination to a successful and controversial career.
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Having undergone her own profound transformations in consciousness resulting from three successive Near-Death Experiences in 1977, P.M.H. Atwater set about on her distinguished career of careful, detective-like fieldwork and research into the mysteries of NDEs.
,br/>4000 cases:A look into Life READ THE BOOK HERE

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Posted via Blogaway

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Anti-texting and anti-distracted driving safety device that helps drivers stay focused and gain experience driving safely without distractions

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What started out as a project to compete in the First Lego League
Competition that they eventually won, is now in a position to save lives thanks to their prototype,the smartwheel.

•A team of teenagers comes up  with a prototype smart wheel
•Their aim is to save lives
•We might witness the smartwheel on future automobiles

    SMARTwheel is an anti-texting and anti-distracted driving safety device that helps drivers stay focused and gain experience driving safely without distractions. The Smart Wheel (Safe Motorist Alert for Restricting Texting) fits right over the steering wheel (you'll see on the Video below the post)and has built-in sensors that goes off if
you take one of your hands off the wheel, thus making it impossible to Text while driving. Awesome,isn't it?If warned too many times, the Smart Wheel will send a text message to the parents notifying them on their kids driving habits.(Giggles)This means the teens are MAINLY targeting the teenagers.Talk of instilling roots of responsibility among the future users.
READ ALSO;Road safety 'app that helps passengers make sound decisions

The teens showcased their prototype on the Entrepreneurial show Shark Tank where they were asking for  $100k for a 15% stake.  They need $75k to finish the
industrial design and get it ready for manufacturing. Robert(shark) offers them the $100k for 30%of the business contingent on a big car company interested in a licensing deal. Mark Cuban steps in and says he would be interested in going in on the deal but he wants to drop the contingency on the deal. They can take the prototype directly to the car manufacture and have them in on the final design saving the much needed capital for other expenses and the deal is reached.
    Good to witness how technology is impacting positively on our lives and also for programs like shark tank for giving the potential minds a platform and financial support for the realization of the dreams.
    I guess future automobiles will have the smartwheel.Banking all my hopes on that.Thanks to shark tank,lives have been saved.

STAY UPDATED: Twitter || Instagram 

Also visit their website 

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Overcooked Potatoes and Acrylamide

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Exit Intent

Biznerati has found out the health effects associated with eating french fries frequently.Are you addicted to fries?Its about that time you
stop from taking them frequently if you want to live a healthy life.Here is how it all started.
   Acrylamide was discovered accidentally in foods in April 2002 by scientists in Sweden when they found the chemical in starchy foods,such as potato chips (potato crisps),French fries, and bread that had been heated higher than 120 °C (248 °F) (production of acrylamide in the heating process was shown to be temperature-dependent). [11] It was not found in food that had been boiled[11][12] or in foods that were not heated.[SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA]

So what is acrylamide?? Acrylamide is a chemical compound.Its physical properties include white,odourless and crystalline solid,its solube in water. However, acrylamide decomposes thermally to produce carbon monoxide and carbon(II)oxide. The fact that it produces those two poisonous gases is enough reason to raise
eyebrows.High accmulated levels of acrylamide in the body can be harmful to health.
  This is how acrylamide enters your body.An amino acid naturally found in  potatoes .In potatoes,its highly concentrated.Now when potatoes are heated to higher temperatures,acrylamide is
formed.When one consumes the overcooked potato acrylamide enters the body  system.When one continues eating overcooked potatoes frequently,the levels of acrylamide increases and this can be harmful to your body.Take for example In the event acrylamide decomposes thermally in the body system,carbon(II)oxide is emitted in the body.Come to think of it,carbon(II)Oxide in your body system.This can lead to suffocation which then leads to untimely death.

RELATED:Acrylamide in dark chocolates

NB:This applies to the potatoes or natural vegetables that have been exposed to high temperatures through frying and other methods.
Take care of your health.Remember,your health is your responsibility.



Astral projection and Utopia

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Exit Intent USE)

Could this be the ultimate panacea to  the recent world instability?Well in my own view, i think it could be a remedy to the recent world instability .I'm talking about Astral projection.
   Astral projection is the interpretation of 'Out of Body' experience.It involves an astral plane for the astral projection.Moving out of your physical  body into the spiritual body.Can you imagine?It all involves the use of the third eye , which i highlighted on this post.
While Meditation has proved to Be a  risky venture,astral projection success can lead to utopia and love.




If the narrations given by those who have undergone astral travel are true then this is the ultimate utopia.Some of those who have experienced this speak of how they meet with God and God  speaks to them on return.They then return to their physical body with a special MESSAGE.I guess you've come across certain people who claim that they went to heaven and spoke with the almighty.I once attended a church where the pastor  brought some guy who talked of his journey to heaven and the guy talked of how he was able to communicate with God and what the Lord told him.I was young at that time ,it was like 11years ago.
    How can astral projection bring world peace?
  Well,the SPECIAL MESSAGE one brings out of the successful meditation is  what is key(Successful because some meditations don't come out successful,some reach halfway). After successful meditation,one comes out rejuvenated and has this heart full of love and everything utopia.If everybody can meditate and it comes out successfully then there will be a  utopia  world and this will lead to world peace where everybody loves and  gets loved in return.
    I once tried to meditate but it was not successful.It did not reach even halfway.I had started seeing a black sky with twinkling little stars using my third  eye when i woke up to the physical world abruptly.I've heard cases of  people seeing evil spirits and i know that experience is way too trifling.
   Aside from that,i kinda feel astral projection is the way to go if we would like to have a utopia world.


In the video below a woman who has been suffering from scarlet fever since 12 talks of her near death experience .She talks on her astral projection success >>VIDEO


READ ALSO:What the Bible says about Astral Projection

Friday 15 July 2016

exit pop intent

Exit Intent

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Listening to Complex Music at a younger age leads to a higher Likelihood of Higher IQ level

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Ever had friends who had such amazing intellectual abilities at a young age that you end up being  sapiosexual ?

I had a neighbour friend who was so intelligent at a young age. I used to admire his mind.She had great taste.As we became close knit,I discovered that she loved listening to complex music at that age.So I thought ,"well ,if it's not the parental gene then its the complex music".Years later,she's excelling in almost all areas of her life.I'm amazed!

Which brings the theory, does listening to complex music at a young age lead to higher IQ levels in the future?

In my view,there could be two sides :


On the Obverse side;

The patterns in the complex music may make  the brain work harder to understand the patterns used and interpret all the different sound waves and frequencies .

This makes the  brain   to be stimulated from a very young age, so in the next stages of development one may process information being fed into the brain  better and with more clarity.

On the Reverse side;

The Passive listening of complex music can really come in handy, but not because it makes you smarter but rather it immerses you in the mood to study and grasp, but the complex music by itself will not promote your intellectual development.

>> Why I Stopped Sharing Earphones 

>> Why People Have Different Tastes When It comes to Music 

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Little Secret About Your Power Bank

Remember a time i told you about my power bank 5600mAh  ?Well, i decided to put it to the test.
I charged it overnight 'cause the next day i was to go on a journey so i thought it would really come in handy. So i woke up next morning unplugged it and carried on my backpack since it was full.Connected my phone to the power bank and it started charging .I kept peeping at the progress and that's when i got shocked!
My phone had taken up to a mere 75% and the reading on the power bank was at it last (25%).My panic mode got activated .From the power bank specs,The power bank had a capacity of 5600mAh which means it should charge my 1800mAh battery to up to 3 times. What was happening then?Was i conned?The power bank went dead and my phone battery had now reached 85%.I was conned .It was phony.
   However, it take about 5-6 hours to fully charge it up yet it charges my phone for 1hour 30minutes. I don't understand this.
By the time of writing this I had fully discharged the charger twice thinking that maybe it should take a few full (dis)charging cycles in order for it to conform  to its advertised (5600mAh) level just like with many phone batteries but again there were no instructions with it so I don't know.
Ladies and gentlemen,here is the little secret about your powerbank that they don't want you to know.


Its about the 30% energy or power lost when the powerbank boosts the phone.When you connect your 5600mAh to your phone(1800mAh) via the USB cable provided.A 30% power is lost in the name of boosting.Power input from AC to the powerbank is 5v while powerbank output to my phone is 5.3V which means the powerbank 'stresses' a lot to get to reach the 5.3V mark and this uses a little amount of energy so as to reach the voltage mark.

NB:The attrition power varies with devices.Next time you visit a powerbank shop ask on the attrition power of the powerbank


Monday 11 July 2016

Rustic Vibes

Don't you just love the countryside atmosphere.So serene.Its healthy to get off your busy schedule and hit the road once in a while. I took mine today:
Was surprised to see changes. Last time I checked ,this path was bushy and had avocado .But today I came to this

All the avocado trees have been cleared to pave way for a new road.Next stop was at the banana plantation.I got a soft spot for bananas 

This tree is 67 years old.Owners of the tree have been advised to cut it down but all that has fallen on deaf ears.

Reason still unknown

The tea plantation is the main source of income at the village