biznarati a portmanteau of (business and twiterati)This blog offers self help info and its main aim is to enlighten the society
Monday, 31 October 2016
Sunday, 30 October 2016
Ever tried Skipping Medication?

Every tried skipping medication or cutting on the dosage?How did you feel?Well,i once threw away the remaining dosage after getting an impression that i had recovered fully only to learn that it was false.
I was on a 2 week dosage and everything was going well till i reached the 8th day.On that day i felt like i've fully recovered and saw no need of continuing with the dosage.All was fine till after 2 days.The consequences became severe.It taught me a lesson since then.COMPLETE your dosage. A skipped dose could mean that the blood level of the medication drops and its benefit diminishes. From the picture illust. above you can see the behavior of the bacteria before,when medication starts and the Moment you cut dosage.
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
Booklet 4&5
The sun comes out of its Home , Like an eager athlete eager for the race before him
The Sun runs its race till it sets, invisibly beckoning the moon to take the centre stage
From dusk to dawn, the moon appears to rule over the night, the Sun rules over the Day
Each day announces it to the next Each night repeats it to the next No speech,no words are used,no sound is heard
Yet their message goes out to all the World And is heard from all the four corners of the Earth And everybody embraces the message
All creation feels the heat of the sun when its in charge
All creation feels the cold that comes with the night
The warmth that comes with ardour of the sun rays
Able to see vividly with the Light
The sun is seen in the sky ,patrolling,running its race,no speech is heard
Yet its message is embraced In the morning,the suns seems to be saying, “Come out and bask,get that Vitamin D” And most people give heed
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At noon, its message may be, “Take a shelter,quench your thirst lest I dehydrate you with my scorching Heat” And the message is embraced
At 3 o’clock ,its message may be, “Please,those who are walking protect your eyes” And at times people wear shades
AT 6 o’clock, its message may be, “I’m about to set, goodbye,see you at the break of dawn, my sister moon is about to take charge”
The night creeps in slowly as the last rays of the Sun fade out of feel Its black and white, the message seems to be, “Hurry get into your Homes, before the dark settles the mugs are about to come in view”
Most people embrace the message When the dark settles and the moon and stars are in full crystal view, the message seems to be, “ it’.....
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Monday, 17 October 2016
The Battle for the Mind
This is one of the ongoing invisible fierce battles going on today. Unfortunately ,its a battle most of the targets are not aware of .Its everywhere more especially in this digital age. The battle for the mind is a reality one cannot afford to ignore. From television, gadgets to the Internet, the mind is slowly being fashioned in the way those behind the battle for the mind want. Sights ,sounds, impressions ,emotions all fighting for the mind. Unfortunately, many have been and are being programmed. Fortunately, you’ve find out before its too late. pg. 3
mind The mind is a set of cognitive faculties including consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement and memory.
There are various states of consciousnesses[sleep, alertness, dreaming.e.tc]we perceive with our mind, we thinking with our mind, we make judgement based on our mind beliefs. Memory is the minds capacity to remember.
We memorize things, events e.t.c Its from the mind that one Makes decision. Of course, you’ve heard of the cliché phrase, “Make up your mind”.
This always precedes a decision one wants to make. The decision may be to Follow someone, something, love someone ,where a choice is expected e.t.c You’ve heard of this commonly used phrase “Make up your mind and follow me”.
It’s from the mind that one makes a decision. It’s from the mind that imaginations come from. You’ve heard , “Lately, you’ve been on my mind” meaning you’ve been imagining that person.
Why the mind?
The mind is precious and that’s why there is a relentless pursuit to alter the mind and it’s beliefs as the beliefs in the mind influence the thinking pattern, the thinking pattern leads to a behavioural Change
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Next Chapter:How the mind is ALTERED
Thoughts arise from the Heart, thoughts are searched by the spirit. Once the spirit is in tune with the present urging thoughts, the thoughts are made audible and come out as words. When words need to be proven i.e in the form of deeds or actions, one’s spirit is involved. The spirit gives rise to the deed .The spirit effects the word leading to the respective deed or action. For example, you have been told , “ I Love you,” by your partner. Then you probably replied, “If you really Love me, prove it” To which the partner in question responds by illustrating by lets say kissing you, petting or necking. Its the spirit that give rise to the actions. Or “Honey, if you love me buy me this gift.” the words the partner speaks stirs up your spirit and it gives rise to action.[Buying the gift in question] At times, after performing a charity at a local community ,you’ve heard people in the community say when you pass by , “Yule mtu si ako na moyo mzuri. ” [That person has a good Heart] Or at times you hear them say “Na si ako na roho nzuri ” [That person has a good spirit].
The deeds one perform are a reflection of the form of spirit that is in that person. This is because, its an individuals spirit gives rise to all the actions that individual does in his or her life. It’s the spirit that knows all about a person. When you feel the urge to do a deed, it’s the spirit that gives rise to the action.
For example, when you feel the urge of giving alms to a poor person you just passed across. The urge stirs up the spirit ,and the spirit in turns controls the conscience.
When the spirit is stirred up, it lead to action[giving alms to the poor neighbour you just passed ].At times when i pass by the streets and see a homeless neighbour, I’m touched..and this touch stirs up my spirit, my spirit in turns leads me to go deep in my pockets and give out the money that i have as per
that time. Sounds familiar right? Its your spirit that moves you to give when you hear that ,”alms for the poor.” There are times when you have this deep crush on the opposite sex and you want to date him or her.
So you go on an inquiry craze, gathering crucial info about your crush so as to be sure you are not making a mistake. But in the quest,you are met with “Yule ako na roho mbaya just imagine anadiscriminate watu based on tribe , ni mchoyo na hua anapenda kutusi.”[That person has a bad spirit just imagine he or she discriminates people based on tribe, greedy and likes to hurl insults]
You’ll give up because the words said about her have hit your spirit and because you’ve identified her spirit. There are times when i feel like watching a movie but when the spirit is not in tune or in sync with the urge, so that leads to me abortion of the plan.
I don’t know if it has ever happened to you. However, if the desire is more intense then the spirit is stirred up and give rise to an action. For example, before one commits adultery, there are stages.
Let say, a man sees a woman wearing that hypnotizing tight outfit , a sundress or a tulip outfit, if he lusts over her and seems not to control the desire, temptation will come as the lust intensifies.
As the desire becomes more intense ,the man will not be able to resist the temptation since the spirit has been stirred up and is in tune with the thought of lust. When the situation presents itself he will date her, and when she is all in, the man sleeps with the woman. You can also know the type of spirit that one has just from looking at the deeds of that person. For example, person A is in a relationship with Person B ,but all through the relationship, person A tends to batter person B. This clearly indicates the kind of spirit that is controlling person A. You can also know that a person has a spirit of envy just from looking at the frown on that person’s face when you inform him of the good things that are happening in your Life.
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Thursday, 13 October 2016
The Light in the Dark Moment
When I woke up today,the sun was in his place
Like an athlete eager to start the race
The moon shy, that it hid her face from view
All black and white turns to colour all around, all is new
New Day New Mercies, birds chirping ,the surface of lilies being kissed by thousand drops of dew
The sun may be symbolized as the sun of righteousness The ardour of the morning sun rays remind me of the warmth of your Ocean of Love
How the ray of light from the sun bursts through the night clouds, ushering the dawn
Reminds me of when i got struck by the epiphany , that you the one who hold its all[you are the Living One; who was once dead, but now you are Alive forever and ever !And you hold the keys of death and Hades]
Slowly but sure, immersed myself in the scriptures, with this deep burning desire For truth, till the morning sun came into view and i got to bask in its Glory
All the black and white fully faded , colour all around
Life is Full of Up &Downs and that's the beauty of it
There are dark moments t... Continue reading in this free Booklet
Words:A reflection of the condition of the Heart
Did you know that the words someone speaks are a reflection of the condition of the heart of the person ?
The mouth speaks the abundance of the heart. The mouth speaks what’s in the Heart. You have heard of the commonly used phrase, ”Say it from your Heart” or “The heart wants what it wants”. What comes out of one’s mouth is a mirror reflection of the Heart. Thoughts arise from the Heart. One’s spirit inspects the thoughts and once it’s in sync with the thoughts. The thoughts are made audible in the form of words.
You see before someone speaks, there is a process. The condition of the Heart before that person speaks Thoughts arise from the heart The spirit checks the thoughts and is in tune The thoughts are made audible and come out as words. Words point out directly the condition of the heart of the speaker as per that time. Page 3 of 18
When someone speaks harshly towards you, it’s a genuine reflection of the condition of his or her heart as per that time. When someone speaks gentle, caring and lovely words towards you, you can see the condition of the Heart of that person. Words can hurt or heal others. You can know an individual’s condition of the heart by what he or she speaks. Words have some kind of effect. .Hurtful words can harm the individual they are being hurled at. Healing words can have a healing effect to the person they are being directed at. Ever felt the urge of hearing someone speak. Could be your soul mate. And before you hear his or her voice, your mood is pale.
But after you hear his or her voice, could be over the telephone, your mood immediately shifts and you feel that your spirit is at peace. From the words that someone speaks, you can see the condition of his or her heart as per that time and you can see the person’s Heart condition towards you. When the words he or she speaks, hit your spirit, your spirit is actuated and all over the sadness shifts to gladness, joy takes the place of sorrow and your countenances shines with a bright glow.
Words can help you identify how best you can help the person who utters them.
This is because you can identify the condition of the person’s Heart as per that time. For example ,if an individual is always fond of speaking harsh words, discouraging words, hopeless words.
You can at once identify the condition of the heart and you can try to suggest remedies to the individual or can try to be close so as to encourage the person.
Probably you’ve heard the words,” I’m tired of trying”[which could be identified as a person who has been trying to Love but the relationship is not working out] or “I don’t know what to do.”[this could point to a heart that is at crossroads or faced with dilemma] Or “somebody help.” Or “Where is true Love, the one that i always see in soap operas”[a heart that is thirsty for deep and true love] or “what is my purpose in this life”[This reflects a Heart that is burning with a desire to know his or her purpose in ... continue reading t...
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
The Mushroom euphoria:5 Years,deep inside the residents lies the coldest story never known to anybody but them
Daraja mbili,'Host' to the 2nd largest market in S.Nyanza has had it own shares of dark happenings.2years ago,accidents used to happen.
One monday morning,the Daraja mbili community woke up to shocking news that someone had been murdered and dumped on the river.On reaching the scene,what I witnessed shocked me.
A man in his mid 30s hands tied using a rope helplessly lying on the cold waters.Another one was when the community woke up to a car floating on the river.Luckily,the driver had been rescued in time.The driver had slipped accidentally when negotiating a corner around the bridge.
Twice in 2 market days,there have been even more strange happenings involving a huge snake which raises it head and leads to road accidents.There were several conspiracies.One being of the ' oboba'[mushroom] .The 'oboba' euphoria.2 years ago,residents were so excited about this.Some people believe the 'oboba 'that were dumped into the river following tales if how it had backfired started renting the air turned to a huge snake.The oboba went viral after a preacher endorsed and said it could cure several illness ranging from malaria to cancer.This led to widespread use in the Gusii community.There was a claim that the mushroom had been imported from Minnesota
READ ALSO:virtual Online Shopping Euphoria
Almost Every homestead had it.It would be placed in a container.Then you only needed to make 'cold power' (Strong tea) and pour it up on the container containing 'oboba'. This was perceived as feeding the 'mushroom'. Later the next day,one would sieve the water in the container into a glass, then drink it ''.No taking 'sip breaks'.
Romours flew in and out that the oboba was morphing into a snake.Users threw away the containers into the river.After that period,accidents started happening out of the blues.Some traders in Daraja Mbili market talked of how a huge snake would pop out under the bridge and send traders into panic mode which later would lead to road accidents.(I'll post an Audio of the one of the witnesses who has witnessed the huge snake)
Preachers came and prayers were conducted every saturday and up to date no strange Cases have happened.
As the residents go about their daily routine,deep inside them lies the coldest story never known to anybody but them
This is one of the ongoing invisible fierce battles going on today. Unfortunately ,its a battle most of the targets are not aware of .Its everywhere more especially in this digital age. The battle for the mind is a reality one cannot afford to ignore. From television, gadgets to the Internet, the mind is slowly being fashioned in the way those behind the battle for the mind want. Sights ,sounds, impressions ,emotions all fighting for the mind. Unfortunately, many have been and are being programmed. Fortunately, you’ve find out before its
The mind is a set of cognitive faculties including consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement and memory. There are various states of consciousnesses[sleep, alertness, dreaming.e.tc]we perceive with our mind, we thinking with our mind, we make judgement based on our mind beliefs. Memory is the minds capacity to remember. We memorize things, events e.t.c Its from the mind that one Makes decision. Of course, you’ve heard of the cliché phrase, “Make up your mind”. This always precedes a decision one wants to make. The decision may be to Follow someone, something, love someone ,where a choice is expected e.t.c You’ve heard of this commonly used phrase “Make up your mind and follow me”. It’s from the mind that one makes a decision. It’s from the mind that imaginations come from. You’ve heard , “Lately, you’ve been on my mind” meaning you’ve been imagining that person. Why the mind? The mind is precious and that’s why there is a relentless pursuit to alter the mind and it’s beliefs as the beliefs in the mind influence the thinking pattern, the thinking pattern leads to a behavioural Change
....... Get the FREE Booklet :THE BATTLE FOR THE MIND «««HERE»»»
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I’m seated at the lone patient seat in this Hospital, I see a light skinned nurse clothed in all white coming towards me. She comes to where I’m seated ,stretching her hands towards me “Hello, welcome to Feel good Hospital, I’m the nurse in charge of you “Hi, thank you “I reply double mindedly ,”But i was told ....” [she interrupts] You don’t have to fear, when I’m here, come let me take you to my office for examination
RELATED:Caught in the Trap of the Late night nurse Part 2
I agree hesitatingly , she leads me towards the office, on the way she initiates a conversation “Did you wait on the bench for so long? I’m really sorry..You know the city traffic. How its slow on specific days. I’m stranded of what to say, my conscience seems to shout at me, saying “Run, she’s not the designated nurse for you.” She notices my silence and she judges that I’m being afraid “You don’t have to fear me, dear, come near, i don’t bite Or do you fear I’m not the one you talk on Skype” She says, as we enter the lift,[she presses the button] The room is on the upper floor, just few seconds and we will be there An awkward silence follows while inside the elevator We reach on the upper floor, she opens the first door and tells me “Welcome to my office, ” i enter the well furnished office, beautiful ambience, nice and slow music playing on the background I’m astonished, this is not the normal working environment for such a profession ,she tells me “,Sit on the recliner, let me examine your symptoms, feel at home, ” She goes ahead, and pulls off her white coat, revealing her white top and above the knee pleated skirt. Page 4 of 23
My suspicions just came true ,she was not the doctor i spoke to on Skype So i start planning excuses on my mind, voices in my head, choices in my hand She drops her stethoscope,then she ..... GET THE FREE BOOKLET »»CAUGHT IN THE TRAP OF THE LATE NIGHT NURSE ««
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The Inner Voice
You’ve probably heard of people talking about the inner voice or i bet you’ve felt that inner voice. You may have heard the voice a long time ago or even almost daily. The voice telling you why you shouldn’t go, what is the right thing and what is the wrong thing, why you should not eat this, why you should eat that e.t.c. We all have a conscience that is constantly talking to us. Whenever we do something, there is that soft inner voice telling you if it’s okay or not or how you should do it differently. When you start listening to this soft inner voice it grows louder but when you ignore the soft inner voice it get more softer till it can’t be heard. I admit there are times when i used to spend more time on the internet bored, just surfing around, then i would hear my conscience telling me to go and take a bath so i can feel refreshed and then come back. And i would hearken to the voice, and it worked perfectly. I’ve seen someone do something awkward and then afterward when asked,” a voice told me not to do that but i did .There was a time my mum was conned. When i asked her why she allowed to be conned, she said “My instinct told me not to give out the money but i ignored”. There are times when my conscience condemns me and there are times when it is clear. The conscience condemns me when I’ve done something wrong , something that goes contrary to my moral values or principles. But when i do something that conforms to my moral values or set standard or principles, then it’s clear. Every single person born has this innate knowledge [a clear standard by which he or she judges himself] within himself/herself. This is the common denominator that binds human beings together. One has not been taught but he or she knows automatically that this is wrong from instinct. For instance, everybody knows what will happen if he or she inserts the finger on flames of fire, killing somebody e.t.c
The conscience is the judgement that helps in distinguishing between right and wrong. You’ve had times when after you’ve done an action that goes against your moral values or principle, you’ve probably had this feeling of remorse. At times , after your actions have conformed to the given moral values or principles ,you feel glad and at peace. That is the voice within speaking. That’s your conscience speaking .I must say there are times, I’ve felt like stealing a 500/- note that my mum has accidentally misplaced, but then the voice within condemns me before i do it. and at most times i always heed to the voice, there are times i sometimes suppress the inner voice and do the contrary.
When i give heed to the inner voice, i always pick up the note and return it to my mother, my conscience stays clear and i get a feeling of rectitude. In my previous booklet, i discussed on the relation between the Heart, the thoughts, the spirit and words.
Now in this booklet, I’ll try to establish the relation between the conscience and the spirit of a person.
»» The Heart,the thoughts,the spirit,words and deeds
Grab the free Booklet: The Conscience and the human spirit
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Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Friday, 7 October 2016
Reducing HIV/AIDS Prevalence
Come to think of it,interactive sms messaging is an extremely cost efficient way
for customers to get in touch with you and also for you to keep in touch with them.
With such a large percentage of the population owning a mobile phone, Users can send and receive
messages anywhere in the country.Well,this could really come in handy in reducing the cases HIV Aids on some of the regions where the prevalence is high.
The target group in this case will be the youth,pregnant women suffering from HIV/AIDS and couples in marriage.Health institutions can use a interactive messaging app to engage the 3 target groups.In the messaging ,health institutions could include questionnaires and also give advice to the target groups.For example,the youth can be given precautionary measures in form of sms and also sex education.Pregnant women suffering from the disease could also be advised on safe ways to deliver in order to avoid infecting the child.Couples in marriages could also be advised and constantly reminded about what the instituion of marriage entails and even at times give advice on how a strong lasting marriage can be built.
Note:For this to work,there must be a two way interaction process.The target groups must also respond positively to the questionnaires and also be free and make the chat lively.
Through this,HIV/AIDS shall have reduced on those regions with High HIV/AIDS stats. And for these method to work effectively,there is need for inbound messaging where there is a short 5 code digit number that is free(No rates of sms are charged)or even a toll free number dedicated to answering calls on the particular issue.This will increase the effectiveness of the efforts by a thousand fold.
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Why Is No One On the First Treatment To Prevent HIV?

FILE CREDIT: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images |
For the first time, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ( FDA) approved a drug treatment(Truvada)that will prevent HIV infection in healthy people.
Truvada works by lowering the amount of virus circulating in people’s blood that applies to the case of HIV infected people.Not curing fully the virus.Past tests on the drug indicate that it can also protect uninfected high-risk people from acquiring the virus.This reports could be a GIFT and CURSE.
A GIFT because majority of the lovers of passions will now indulge in unprotected sexual behavior having in mind that truvada has their back.A CURSE because the aftermath of the irresponsible sexual behaviors plus the side effects detailed out on
Allowing truvada to be used for prevention of HIV will foster a false sense of security among its users, which may give the users a false mindset,oh and talking of mindset,When you get time,you can also read on the ROLE SOCIAL MEDIA PLAYS IN THE BATTLE FOR YOUR PRECIOUS MIND that they are immune to the virus and reduce their use of condoms and other safe sex practices and you know what that means?A public disaster in the looming and this might escalate cases of STDs.
In healthy, uninfected people, the drug can thwart HIV’s ability to take hold in healthy cells and start an infection, by blocking the activity of an enzyme that the virus needs to replicate.This serves as a GIFT to healthy uninfected people as long as they stick to the dosage and practice safe sex practices.It's a gift also to doctors in the war against HIV as they can add truvada to their arsenal.
The FEAR that i have is that healthy people may not take the drug correctly as per the prescription which would encourage HIV to become resistant to the medication and also there statistics of condom usage will probably nosedive as more passion lovers are prone to divert to this new euphoria drug.
Public health officials worry that people may engage in irresponsibly sexual behaviors when they are on
the truvada, believing they are protected completely against HIV, which they are NOT.
There is need for mass education and awareness about the drug and also the public should be made aware of the side effects.
As doctors and researches smile about the gift ,to me it remains a public health disaster in the looming unless strict measures and training are put in place.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016
Bluetooth Low Energy
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you've lost touch with your schoolmates during a school trip to a museum and stranded ,undecided on where and what to do?Well,I bet many of us have gone through such a situation or a similar one?But thanks to Apple,you'll never get caught up in such a situation.
In 2013,Apple came up with a technology called Ibeacon that uses Bluetooth low energy(BLE) communication to transmit a
universally unique identifier picked up by a compatible app or operating system.
The identifier can be used to determine the device's physical location or trigger a location-based action . Now back to the situation I mentioned earlier.You've just lost touch with your schoolmates on a school trip to the museum and stranded.Now this is what you can do.You need to go to the administrator of the museum ,they'll give you their Ibeacon detector app.Once your IOS Device installs the app and running the app, it can be programmed to look for the museums UUID(identifier). When it detects it, it looks at the major and minor values and can determine which of the museums your classmates are in as well as the room the you are in.This is only possible if the museum has placed an Ibeacon that acts as a transmitter.
When the museum app picks up a transmitter(present in the room your classmates are in)containing the museum UUID of “122549566-18S1-1GE1-B3A1-25F8135C7D21″ and a major of 1 and minor of 16, it knows the schoolmates are in the museum and in room 16 of that museum.
Easy,isn't it?Think of supermarkets that could put them around the shelves so you can more easily find products.
example,you visit a supermarket to buy snowdent toothpaste and already the snowdent team had given you their ibeacon detector app,you run it on your IOS device and start detecting and picking up the transmitter offers.The beacons placed at the snowdent shelves will start transmitting to your IOS Device indicator the place they are and on which row or column they are located.Once your IOS device (acting as the receiver)picks up the transmitter 'broadcast' or 'offers'.You'll be able to get the physical location the snowdent product is located.Saves time,isn't it?
The protocol uses the Bluetooth Low Energy communication and it can work with your ordinary bluetooth(4.0) providing your operating system is compatible.My hope is that businesses pick up the use of the ibeacons or even buy the beacons( iBeacon-compatible hardware transmitters) that can be bought from various vendors like cubeacon e.t.c
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
Tracking Daily Class Attendance

Are you a teacher,administrator or youth program leader that is in much need of tracking your daily class attendance with the ultimate aim of killing absenteeism?Well,here is Kinvolved for you.
Kinvolved’s app offers you an efficient, instant communication tool so that you can communicate with all stakeholders in a student’s life with just a click.
You can record student attendance using Kinvo App simple interface.Parents can receive an instant notification on absenteeism or lateness.Now here is the catch.
The app quickly record attendance by swiping students names left or right, marking them absent or late
save these customized messages for later use.Time saving and convenient.
This log can later be used to understand the students behavior and coming up with ways to motivate the students who might need the much needed help.Data is Key.
READ ALSO: Use of Lecture Capture in the universities
However,The app will fully operate for users who are already a member of a school community that has purchased a school-wide account.
Ditch the register, Install Kinvo
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The pedicure that is done by fish

-Biznerati talks about Fish pedicure
-How it feels like getting a treat from doctor fish
-Is it safe?
Imagine getting your leg 'spa'd' by a fish?Sounds weird.I know.Well,its true and it's a practice common in some spas in Kenya.Its not the ordinary type of fish used,it's the Doctor fish . . Welcome to
Fish pedicure therapy.
The Doctor fish is a fish particularly used for treating skin diseases and it's also used in skin softening.Others call it the epidermis-eating fish.All you need to do is insert your legs on the home-made pond containing thousands of the Doctor fish and relax as the Doctor fish do their work.
The first time you insert your legs on the pond you'll get that 'ticklish' Feeling but with time you'll get used to it.Maybe that 'ticklish' feeling you get is a way of them greeting you or welcoming you for the service.(Giggles)After running your legs deep on the pond for approximately 30mins .You remove the legs from the pond and apply some oil to the skin to soften the leg around the skin further and that way you are good to go
Over the years fish pedicure therapy has been banned in several countries after questions arose of the spread of fungal diseases.With people streaming in to use the therapy,questions rose of how secure they were in terms of health if the same doctor fish were being used for different clients.
Because if a doctor fish feeds on the dead skin of the first client, then the 2nd client uses the same water in the tank(pond) and the same doctor fish,wouldn't there be a risk of skin disease or fungal infections??
However,beauty clinics offering fish pedicure therapy defended themselves saying they do not use the same water to different clients.
They use filters and are able to change water used and also they check on the client's feet before dunking their feet on the tank(pond)
The fish pedicure therapy service goes for $80 that's approximately sh7000.Next time you are visiting the spa centre ask whether they do fish pedicure therapy.
You'll love it . I recommend this spa centre>>