There is a saying that we are what we wear.Image is everything.As years pass by,the fashion industry also on the other hand evolves.Micro minis to givenchy haute couture(s) name them,the fashion industry is changing.I see a future where ladies will be walking semi naked in the name of fashion.There is this one strange thing I've noticed.
I've noticed symbols being 'embedded' on the most of these popular body wears.The latest being in the Versace shirts.In this ubiquitous shirts,you can see medusa head on them and i guess you all know Medusa history.
And there are also baphomet shirts.SEE BELOW
Look closely.What do you see in the shirt?A goat's head right.Now compare the symbol on the shirt with this picture
Any resemblance???Okay if still in doubt check
No doubt.This shirt has a baphomet on it.I no longer wear the shirt.Could the elites be using the fashion industry to push an agenda?Seems they want the masses to be familiar to the symbols and to get them hypnotized in that the masses will be in an altered state of consciousness that they can no longer decipher whats going on.Some artists are being used not knowing what they are getting themselves into.Once an artists attains fame or rather is given much desired fame,they can be useful instruments to push the agenda.The die hard fans feed on everything the artist gives and go to the extent of emulating the fashion styles.This gets them in the fold unconsciously Till they can no longer discern the symbols.The styles spread like a wildfire and everybody in the streets conforms to them.If the artist comes up with another fashion fad,the already hypnotized masses conform to it.The desires grow gradually with each phase until the desires become intense and at times lead to temptations.
For instance,when the artist now releases a song glorifying murder,sex e.t.c ,the hypnotized masses while listening to the artist and as they listen, their intense desires now lead to temptation while the melody of the lyrics ring on their mind all day,subconsciously or unconsciously,the thoughts lead to words and the words mingled their spirit leads to deeds.The worst thing is that the masses or fans in the hypnotized state are held in a form of bondage subconsciously and however hard they try to break from the bondage,they just cant. This may be a form of slavery and the good news is that one can break free from the chains,get today's Free booklet offer absolutely free no obligation,GET THE BOOKLET:(Based on a true story)WHEN LOVE BROKE THE CHAINS - READ MORERELATED:ESCAPING THE BLINDING CARES OF THIS LIFE