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I have always read about NDE and after reading I always got some insight on some of the Crucial creations.One can never ignore the impact Near-Death Experiences have on the 'experiencer'.I tend to believe that NDE could bring UTOPIA.If everyone experiences a NDE,i think there will be peace everywhere around all the corners of the World.This is because once you experience a NDE,you return with a new perspective of Life and a special MESSAGE. Like in this case of a woman who suffered from scarlet fever for 12 years had a Life changing NDE.
The significance of near-death experiences can hardly be exaggerated, because they point toward answers to The Great Questions — life’s meaning Atwater shares her amazing findings, based on her sessions with more than 4,000 adults and children and over 40 years of research; a breathtaking culmination to a successful and controversial career.
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Having undergone her own profound transformations in consciousness resulting from three successive Near-Death Experiences in 1977, P.M.H. Atwater set about on her distinguished career of careful, detective-like fieldwork and research into the mysteries of NDEs.
,br/>4000 cases:A look into Life READ THE BOOK HERE
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