Wednesday, 12 October 2016



This is one of the ongoing invisible fierce battles going on today. Unfortunately ,its a battle most of the targets  are not aware of .Its everywhere more especially in this digital age. The battle for  the mind is a reality one cannot afford to ignore. From television, gadgets to the  Internet, the mind is slowly being fashioned in the way those behind the battle for the mind want. Sights ,sounds, impressions ,emotions all fighting for the mind. Unfortunately, many have been and are being programmed. Fortunately, you’ve  find out before its

The mind is a set of cognitive faculties including consciousness,  perception, thinking,  judgement and memory. There are various states of consciousnesses[sleep, alertness,]we perceive with our mind,  we thinking with our mind, we make judgement based on our mind beliefs. Memory is the minds capacity to remember. We memorize things, events e.t.c Its from the mind that  one Makes decision.  Of  course, you’ve  heard of the cliché phrase, “Make up your mind”. This always precedes a decision one wants to make. The decision may be to Follow someone, something, love someone ,where a choice is expected e.t.c  You’ve heard of this commonly used phrase   “Make up your mind  and follow me”. It’s  from the mind that one makes a decision. It’s  from the mind that imaginations come from. You’ve  heard , “Lately, you’ve  been on my mind” meaning you’ve  been imagining that person. Why the mind? The mind is precious and that’s  why there is a relentless pursuit to alter the mind and it’s   beliefs as the beliefs in the mind influence the thinking pattern, the thinking pattern leads to a behavioural Change

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