One ability i would so much die for is telekinesis.
The Mystery of the Human Life solved
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I mean who wouldn't enjoy levitating objects(matter) under their control.Is telekinesis real??
• biznerati delves deeper into the telekinesis world
•He cites various past cases of telekinesis
Telekinesis is the super ability to
move matter using your mind.For example levitating a chair or moving a television set using your mind without any physical altercation. Is this really possible??
One guy who has tried it reveals,"Many years ago myself and a group of friends experimented trying to move objects with our minds.We moved a tennis ball.We made it float in the air and rotate.I wouldn’t have believed it myself if I hadn’t seen it."Another guy also reveals," Tried that(telekinesis) once but ended up with a massive headache."
Magicians often use telekinesis but questions have been raised by researchers on this ability.
This has seen researchers like
Alexander Aksakof embarking on a research spree and eventually detected fraud in most of the magicians ability.
Most magicians often fake telekinesis like this spiritual hoaxers.
Let me take you memory down lane,remember the 1996 comedy fantasy film MATILDA?Yes,telekinesis is real only in the movies not in real life.That's why its a FANTASY comedy film.
For those who are in the dark,the film is all about a girl,matilda,who possesses telekinetic abilities and uses them to fight the injustices in her world.You need to watch the movie if you haven't so as to digest this whole ability.
I try to imagine if this ability had been real.Handpickers,pickpockets would have a field day.On the other side,it would save time.
Despite many sites coming up with ways of developing telekinesis ,i still insist think telekinesis is a fantasy far from real and reports that its real are far fetched or if your in doubt try to develop it.
And also remember Focusing for long periods of time can be taxing on your system, and may result in mild to moderate headaches from time to
The Mystery of the Human Life solved
THE Joy that comes with funding your purpose in Life
While not serious, these headaches are a sign that you need to rest plus the toll this whole telekinesis would have left on your brain activity would be enough to send you to psychiatrist ward
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