biznarati a portmanteau of (business and twiterati)This blog offers self help info and its main aim is to enlighten the society
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Dangerous Island

rise of the venomous golden lancehead snakes in the now proclaimed island of death
•Nobody is allowed to be near or even visit the dreaded island with the exception of scientists who now live in a lighthouse
•It's alleged that the former inhabitants of the lighthouse were killed by the venomous lanceheads
•According to Epic Wildlife,
Well about 11,000 years ago the island was once attached to the mainland, that was until the sea levels began to rise separating it from the coast.
With very few predators around, the snakes on the island were able to quickly multiply and continuously evolve, leading to them having the
super venom they have today.
No human is allowed to visit, with the exception of a few scientists given permission to study the
According to a former Zoologist ,"
I've been there once, for 30 minutes, saw God knows how many snakes, then got back in the boat and left XD
I was with a zoologist and a team, I had to stay with the boat and make
sure no snakes got on it. I had to use a flame torch to ward of any curious
snakes...they didn't like it "
Wednesday, 14 September 2016

We spend most of our entire lives gathering knowledge, honing skills and becoming better people able to give back to society, and then in a second it's all gone, Death.
Death steals it all away.The sting of death pains,the grave boasts of it's victory. Sounds unfair, right?
There is so much to learn, discover and explore in the universe. Never let a day go before learning something new.Live,Love &Explore.Oh,and talking about LOVE,I would like to offer you this FREE BOOKLET,RESPONDING TO GREAT LOVE BEING SHOWN TO YOU :The Booklet contains :Responding to great Love 2)Returning back to the first Love 3)The JOY of being restored back to the First Love You can get the free booklet
HEREIt's the desire to explore that saw one
Read also: Banana peel can be effective in reducing wrinkles
Laura (a venture capitalist)make crucial decisions all in a quest to cure aging☻in humans which she has had an interest in since she was 8 . She stopped
going to MIT(where she had joined as an undergraduate in order to pursue a two year 100K ( Thiel Fellowship) .
The Fellowship brings together some of the world’s most creative and motivated young people, and helps them bring their most ambitious projects to life which later employ more than 200 people and create new technologies . Each Thiel
winner is given $100,000 each to start building high-tech ventures of their dreams.Laura's research led to her extending the lives of some worms by 6 times, as this more recent 3 min video explains.
I'm afraid this may not work as it is trying to bring immortality which no soul currently has but which will be imparted at the LAST DAY .
Here is a VIDEO highlighting her quest to cure aging.
Mini Fact:Why Your Throat sounds sore in the Morning

I woke up to a 'vibe-killing' sore throat today morning that got me questioning last night activities,but still couldn't find an accurate reason that could explain the condition.Well,turns out that there are Many little things that change in our bodies when we are asleep.
One of these changes is
decreased production of saliva, which can cause someone's throat to become dry if the air in the room is not humid enough.
READ ALSO: Why you should worry about your snoring
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Tuesday, 13 September 2016
The Perfect House plan

Could Li-fi be replacing Wi-fi in the near future?Well,after reports of dangers associated with prolonged exposure to The RF and Wi-fi low level radiation effect on Patients suffering from EHS reported here ,Li-fi could replacing Wi-fi very soon.But what exactly is Li-fi?
Light-based wireless communication, coined as Li-Fi by Harald Haas at a TED talk , is a method of internet connectivity that uses flickering the light from a
special LED to transmit data . The technology is still being developed by researchers at the University of Edinburgh in the UK, but it already looks like it will be more effective and more secure health wise than
Frequently used Wi-Fi.
Li-fi spews light out to connect to your smartphone and laptop.
FILE/Fair use
As compared to Wi-Fi which spews out radio waves in all directions around your home from a wireless router. When your wireless
device detects the LED light, it connects to your Light bulb( wireless router) which then connects you to
the Internet.
Image courtesy FILE/Fair use
However,Li-fi has some potential downsides;
•It operates withing a short range just like you've seen in the photo illustration FILE/Fair use
•High installation costs.You'll need LED light bulbs
All in all the Li-fi is a perfect plan for the house or office:-)
Posted via Blogaway

Friday, 9 September 2016
Onions better side

It's a known fact that Onions are way too smelly and make you cry but they have a good side too.
I remember way back when my grandma used to boil an union in tea and give it to me to drink whenever I had a common cold.And just like the common cold would vanish.I also witnessed a neighbour who used to take raw onions as an escort whenever he was having breakfast."Mbona unakula kitunguu kwa chai?"(Why are you taking onions together with tea?I would ask him.He would respond by handing me a plate of raw onions together with a cup of tea which I struggled to take.He would proceed to lecture me on how it cleaned the nasal cavity and also chest congestion issues.
Well,onions have a far much better side despite the smell ;
Remove rust from knives
Onion really come in handy in removing rust from knives.Carefully pass the rusted part into the juicy part of the onion 5-6 times and wait for the outcome.
Keep frost off your car windows
Smash cut onions into a bucket of warm water ,stir and then sprinkle the solution on your car window.Leave it overnight and you'll wake up to sparkled windows and zero streaks
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Illness created by rogue physicians

Did you know that iatrogenesis is the 3rd leading cause of death in America??Doctor-induced deaths.A shocking report on iatrogenesis revealed that up to 225,000 patients die annually as a result of iatrogenesis.Which raises eyebrows and questions on how safe are patients(we) in the hands of doctors.
According to ,Iatrogenic refers to any consequence of medical treatment or advice to a patient. It also refers to the illness that results from a misdiagnosis and in most cases leads to death.This is often practised by rogue hospitals that are only interested in money and in most cases often physicians often recommend surgery even for the not serious medical cases.The rogue hospitals use this as a cash cow.That's why i advise you to be wise and intelligent enough to know what's happening.
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Want to know whether you have been a victim of iatrogenesis??Very easy. Some iatrogenic effects are clearly defined and are recognised with so much ease(For example) a complication following a surgical operation ( e.g.Instead of having a colonoscopy(colon surgery) ,a physician performs a thoracic surgery,now the complication that arises from that medicall error can make you recognize that you've been 'iatrogenised'.This can often lead to death as one becomes stressed up and suicidal thoughts flood the minds of most victims of this unfortunate act.
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The horror movie Sublime is an example of iatrogenesis.
The plot centers on the protagonist George Grieves , who checks into the Mt. Abaddon Hospital for a routine procedure only to find horrors await him. Awakening from what was supposedly a simple colonoscopy , Grieves is told by hospital staff
that due to confusion arising from similar patient names he was mistakenly given a sympathectomy to cure sweaty palms.[Misdiagnosis alert]>[1st step in iatrogenesis]
As the days tick by Mr. Grieves' post-operative experiences grow ever more bizarre until he finally realizes that he is caught inside a nightmare of his own creation and seems unable to escape or awaken back in the real world. [The iatrogenic effect]
He understands that something has gone wrong in his post-operative recovery which is keeping him trapped in this netherworld of manifestations of all of his worst fears but he understands neither what the problem is nor what, if anything, he can do to awaken from it.We eventually see his condition from his family's perspective and it appears hopeless.
The doctors explain that there was a
complication during the Sympathectomy which created an air bubble in his bloodstream that
eventually reached his brain and caused so much damage that he ended up in an apparently permanent vegetative state>[Complication arising from the misdiagnosis now manifesting]
He's been dead to the outside world for 10 months and his family is being pressured to remove all artificial m
eans of life support .[Side effects of the medical error on the physician's part]
My only advice to you is to be vigilant while visiting hospital and be well informed of your disease so as to avoid being a victim of iatrogenesis or to avoid being iatrogenised as i like to say
Movie plot credit
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Cloud Seeding:Inducing Rain
On sunday when i visited the countryside,I came across Johnny, a farmer,basking at his farm field, watching a 'lonely' cloud drift away,
taking with it the last hope of a much-desired burst of rain.Feeling disappointed,he returns to his home fetches a can and heads to the almost drying river to at least get some water to irrigate on his farm.
As he irrigates his farm he tells me an idea he once heard on radio of inducing rain.He says that seeds are sprinkled on the clouds
then rain is formed.I quickly interrupt him and say "Cloud Seeding?".."Kitu kama Hiyo."He responds.Cloud seeding is a process of inducing rain in areas struck by drought.Just like a farmer throws seeds to his farm,cloud seeding companies also throw 'seeds' but this time it maybe silver iodide, dry ice and various salts that acts as water droplet nuclei.Silver iodide is used to increase the ice concentration in the clouds.In the past,we've witnessed Russia practising the method.Like the infamous case when Russia threw bags of cement and sand into the clouds with the aim of enhancing precipitation following the upcoming public event.It failed and the outcome was displayed on "1000 ways to Die".The video was that of a pimp that fell a victim to the particles that failed to fragment.
When droplets of this super-cooled water in the air meet specks of dust, salt or sand, they form small ice crystals .
Water vapour in the cloud then freezes directly onto the surface of these crystals. When these crystals become too heavy to stay afloat, they fall down as rain.
Though the method has been common practised in nations like Russia, the method has been surrounded by controversy.For instance,the fear of polluting the masses with the silver iodide used.In the case a large amount of silver iodide is used,then chances of masses getting polluted are high.Also who knows,an innocent civilian may falla victim to the method.Think of it,the damage that would be caused if the sand fails to fragment.
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This has also led to an uproar by conspiracy theorists which has led to the infamous Chemtrail conspiracy theory which argues that the contrails left by airplanes flying at high attitudes are harmful to the masses and fear that this could lead to adverse health effects on the masses.
All in all,anything involving chemicals has some adverse side effects

Friday, 2 September 2016
SWIMMING POOL:Fun Filled Moment Turned Tragic
"3..2..1..LETS DIVE",John shouted arms up in the air ready to dive into the swimming pool.First time in the swimming pool.Damn!Now this was interesting!!I could see johnny was an expert at this.After 30 minutes of swimming i took a position at one of the corners of swimo.Placed my legs inside the water while the rest of the body basking.I had barely sat for 26 minutes when i got some itchy feel ."Hahaa!Ni nini?"Johnny asked(What is it??)"Man,naskia some itchy feel bana."I told him.(I'm feeling some itchy feel)."Usijali,ni venye its your first time swimming.."johnny told me(Dont worry,its because it was your first time).I had begun believing that but then there was something.Nobody saw it except me.
Swimming in the pool during these hot periods definately gives you the much needed respite from the scorching heat and that nirvanic 'woo-lala' moment, but did you know this joyous moment could also bring disease to your well toned skin?Tell serotonin to turn the panic button off.
Well,swimming pool granuloma is REAL.This is why chlorine is usually added to the water at the pool to fight germs.But did you know that if the PH of chlorine and that of water is not balanced it could lead to some pesky effects on the skin?
That is why its advisable to apply some adequate skin protection lotion to prevent skin breakage that is caused by staying so long on the water.Staying too long on the water in the pool can lead to skin breakage leading to exposure of germs in the pool as per that time.One disease is the swimming pool granuloma caused by mycobacteria marinum which affects the back of the hands and fingers leaving you with a painful nodule.Nobody would ever want that to happen.I mean who would ever wish for a fun-turned tragedy 'showdown'?Nobody.
Excess chlorine in the pool can lead to an itchy skin.Next time you 'swimming pooling' ask for the PH balance.If its normal,then fun time,but remember not to stay too long in the water unless you applied that powerful skin protection on you 'cause in the event that the skin breaks then you'll be vulnerable to skin infection present inside the pool.
Also remember to take a power shower after coming out of the pool to purge any traces of chlorine left on your body.
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