Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Displaying Your Phone number on the Internet

  Ever Noticed strange charges on your daily phone bill?I bet if majority always keep tabs with their daily phone bill progress.Are there tiny but significant charges on it that you are unfamiliar with?
Well,  Some malware is programmed to send paid SMS messages that get charged to your phone bill and deposited into the bank account of the malware writer.

 After posting about how a researcher discovered a flaw on the android front camera seems flaws keep on flanking the operating system.Just recently,hackers reveals how they can control your smartphone easily just by knowing your cell phone  number.The hackers simply send an alarming text ,case in point,similar to the  texts I outlined on "Beware of these texts" post .Once you receive the text,that's when the hack process begins and your phone starts misbehaving.App close and open suspiciously and in extreme cases send messages to your contacts .
  Always remember to


1)Avoid downloading unofficial apps .They may harm your computer or smartphone

2)Only download apps from a reputable app store, such as Google Play or Amazon Appstore .

3)Skim through app reviews on the app stores. Users will often rate  infected app poorly and will
usually warn others through the app reviews and even rant over their experience with the app at hand.

4)Always have strong antivirus protection and keep on updating the antivirus

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Remember to use the  Lookout app to scan for malwares on your smartphone.

What can cause your powerbank to explode

Ever since I heard about   a power bank that exploded inside a car glove compartment  ,I've reduced the number of times I use my power bank. The phenomenon of my power bank exploding is terrifying and I know can lead to regrettable incidents.

“I advise the public not to leave any electrical gadget or power bank inside their vehicle,” the owner of the power bank that exploded says.This is after he left his power bank in the car exposing it to the 'heat' environment .Another victim,Omonso,talks of how his cheap unbranded power bank disappointed him."Last year my power bank exploded.Luckily no one was hurt.There was a deafening sonic sound before it exploded.My blinds got burnt.No more power bank for me."

RELATED: Little secret about your power bank

What can cause a power bank to explode?

1)Exposing the battery to the unsafe environment.
Exposing the battery to unsafe environment  such as high temperature or humidity can cause the cheap unbranded power bank to explode.Rise in temperature has the ability to cut your battery life by half.

2) Constantly overcharging the power bank
Constantly overcharging the power bank may damage the batteries if the power bank is not equipped with quality power protection features.Remember when EE recalled all power bars.

3)Malfunctioned Overcharge prevention IC
READ ALSO:[Based on a real experience]STARTED AS A JOKE ENDED IN A DISASTER A malfunctioned overcharge prevention IC  will cause the power bank to explode.

  4)Recycled batteries
Some power bank dealers use recycled batteries on new power banks which may have an effect on the end user. Power banks built with cheap batteries could easily explode or start a fire.

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To be safe,buy a branded power bank from a reliable and trusted vendor.

Monday, 30 January 2017

Podcasting option for Busy Lecturers

Parts of the file adapted from iphone.appleinsider.com for FAIR USE

Tired of cases where lecturers dont show up after preparing for the classes?Are you a lecturer and want to migrate from analogue to digital lecturing?Well , Biznerati got you covered.
    All you need is the use of podcasts.A Podcast is a digital audio file that can be automatically downloaded from the internet once the user subscribes.This digital audio file could be an online radio show or even business. Podcasts have proved a success for bloggers and most 'underground' radio shows.All you need is to get a podcasting host and your tools.Getting started with podcasting for more info..This is just similar to starting your show and the audience in this case is your students.
   All you will need are to get you (Tools of podcasting) started and all the students will be  required to subscribe (under the RSS Feed button) and once you publish a podcast it will automatically get downloaded into your audience(your students) smartphone.Your podcast should strictly contain only the intended topic in the particular unit designated to the  lecturer. This system of lecture can be set up to
help students replay, revisit and revise from past lectures(past podcasts) which can be retrieved from your phone's file explorer.
However,one caveat though.Not all students have smartphones and this tends to advantage those who have smartphones.But i'm sure this is the way to go.If you are a lecturer who always has a busy schedule,podcasting  is the way to go.


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Friday, 27 January 2017

Guilty Pleasure:Consuming overcooked meals

Biznerati has found out the health effects associated with eating french fries frequently.Are you addicted to fries?Its about that time you
stop from taking them frequently if you want to live a healthy life.Here is how it all started.

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Acrylamide was discovered accidentally in foods in April 2002 by scientists in Sweden when they found the chemical in starchy foods,
such as potato chips (potato crisps),French fries, and bread that had been heated higher than 120 °C (248 °F) (production
of acrylamide in the heating process was shown to be temperature-dependent). [11] It was not
found in food that had been boiled[11][12] or in foods that were not heated.[SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA]

So what is acrylamide??Acrylamide is a chemical compound.Its physical properties include white,odourless and crystalline solid,its solube in water. However,acrylamide decomposes thermally to produce carbon monoxide and carbon(II)oxide. The fact that it produces those two poisonous gases is enough reason to raise
eyebrows.High accmulated levels of acrylamide in the body can be
harmful to health.
  This is how acrylamide enters
your body.An amino acid naturally found in  potatoes .In potatoes,its highly concentrated.Now when potatoes are heated to higher temperatures,acrylamide is

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When one consumes the overcooked potato acrylamide enters the body  system.When one
continues eating overcooked potatoes frequently,the levels of acrylamide increases and this
can be harmful to your body.Take for example In the event acrylamide decomposes thermally in the body system,carbon(II)oxide is emitted in the body.Come to think of it,carbon(II)Oxide in your body system.This can lead to suffocation which then leads to untimely death.

RELATED:Acrylamide in dark chocolates

NB:This applies to the potatoes or natural vegetables that have been exposed to high temperatures through frying and others
Take care of your health.Remember,your body is your responsibility.



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Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Egg Freezing and Women in Demanding Careers

Are you a woman addicted to your profession so much that its affecting your marriage and you feel like nobody can change your love for the profession?Do you want to focus on your work without interruptions like pregnancy?Do you want to get babies at a later age?YES!Well,Egg freezing is the way to go.

•Apple and Facebook offering its employers (women in high end positions) egg freezing option
•Biznerati raises eyebrows on the side effect of the hormone injection

Egg Freezing is a technique which allows women to freeze and store their eggs .

Egg freezing is a novel technology in which a woman’s eggs are extracted, frozen and stored.

Later, when she is ready to become pregnant, the eggs can be thawed, fertilized, and transferred to the uterus as embryos .In the Recent Past, Facebook and Apple  have made the offer to their employees to practise egg freezing.

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This is a good idea more so for the career women and other target groups. However,the costs are high
ranging from sh 400,000 to sh 700000 plus the fertility cost around sh80000 which makes it
affordable to the rich only and part of the middle class.

This method suits women who have
cancer,career women and others with reproductive problems.If a woman is diagnosed with cancer,this is the suitable method to use as chemotherapy and radiotherapy don't go well
with pregnancy.

That's why it reaches to a point where a pregnant Breast cancer patient is given

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2 options
1)To remove the baby
2)Start the chemotherapy

 RELATED:The Best Age to Freeze your eggs 

Egg freezing also suits the career
women.Women in high profiled careers who are in love with their careers might embrace the
method so that they can fully concentrate on their careers and in the future can have children.
There is a video biznerati saw on
@AjStream about the egg freezing
procedure.Searched for it everywhere but all in vain.It shows a woman demonstrating on egg

In the video she injects herself with a syringe full of some chemicals on the lower abdomen and just like that she's done.I find that method efficient but what worries me most is the side effects.Would you inject chemicals on your lower abdomen for egg freezing?Who knows the
chemicals might have an effect on your body in the future.Thats why i like the laboratory method where eggs(oocytes) are extracted,freezed and stored then in the future can be returned in the uterus.

 READ ALSO:The Deeper Meaning of the Mother's Womb 

•Here is a ( VIDEO 

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that will help you fathom the method.
With the extra high costs,egg freezing remains for the middle class and the who is who in the society.

Purging the Counterfeits

Farmers now have a reason to smile as now they can be able to buy real seeds in the market thanks to the
mobile phone technology developed by mPedigree network.

•mPedigree network comes up with a technology that will ultimately purge fake seeds
•3 steps the consumer to take while buying seeds
•The technology is set to revolutionalize the agricultural sector

 READ ALSO:1994,The Huge Cloud Seeding Flop  

The mobile phone based technology involves a digital product verification tool that utilises the concept of a concealed number like the voucher number on the scratch card.

A sticker with the concealed number is glued on the seed package and one good thing about the sticker is that it is tamper-proof.

Any attempt to tamper with it
automatically leads to seal breakage.

The seed purchaser scratches to reveal the unique voucher(8digits) then proceeds to send the 8 digits to a toll free hotline code on the
label.Then waits for confirmation.

For a genuine product,the phone receives a response showing sensitive product details
AWESOME right? mPedigree network will work with seed companies and each sticker will cost seed companies sh 2/-
Mark you,the mobile based technology has been a success in the pharmaceutical industry
and a lot of replicas have been seized

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 READ ALSO:Ripening Green tomatoes the easier way 

Monday, 16 January 2017



INNOVATION is KEY!!!!Now check this out.A  young man came up with a way by which you can charge your phone using your shoes.Yes your shoes.

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The energy harvested when walking is enough to charge fully a phone with less functionality.The young man takes us to the process of realising that idea.

•Microchips are inserted in the
bottom/sole of the shoe.In that when you walk a distance,an adequate amount of energy is built and the chips convert the energy to electrical energy which can be used to charge a phone with less functionality.

   With ideas like this the country
can grow digitally.I believe Each and Every youth has a hidden potential which needs to be revealed and utilized fully.Like Dr. Myles munroe said "Your future is trapped inside you,it takes the right environment and dedication to bring it out".I strongly believe that the youth have the potential in them ,it takes time to bring it out and exploit it fully. Its time to fully expose that hidden potential and utilize it to the fullest.

  One major problem i noticed in the
innovation field is inadequate
funds.There are inadequate funds to
support ideas like this or rather
innovations and also lack of global
support and even inadequate platforms to nurture the ideas.If multinationals companies can
embrace or take in this ideas from
innovative minds then we could see a world of change with life being much more comfy.




Thursday, 12 January 2017

Thursday, 5 January 2017



Smiling on the outside, hurting on the inside

Hoping the reality fades and illusion takes it Place

Carried the weight   almost the whole of  my life

Searching for a place to place it upon

And sigh with relief , sit back and rest knowing that it’s   gone

All the mockeries, been a victim of Jest

My inbox hit with every Kind of Nasty text

So used to it that I’m   not even worried what will be thrown at me next

That pain is what made me

The late nights i spe..

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Turn Your Life Around in a moment


You breathed in me, the breath of Life, lighting up my cold soul

And filled the God shaped Hole in my Heart, I felt Whole

The Light of the Gospel effects as the darkness that the cold brings grows dim

The cold had been at play for way too long, brought   Uncertainty in my Life

But all that has now faded and its all clear

There is no more wrath, no more Fear

And to make it better and more comforting is that You are Here

The light shinning forth from the Gospel has dispelled away all darkness

The Word came and cleared all doubt,

The Word became Flesh

The Faithful Witness,   the Eternal Life  which was with the Father from Eternity Past now revealed

Testified of the T...

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 In This FREE Booklet 

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

UC Mobile Web Browser Hidden Agenda Exposed

We all like Uc mobile web  browser for its lightning speed when surfing.Its user population has grown owing to the fact that its free.However,there is one thing you need to know.

 READ ALSO:The Greatest Mystery Ever Made Known 

Darkwap.mobi dug all the facts and secrets you need to know about the mobile browser.UC browser steals your private data.This happened to a popular user
Here is the extract

 READ ALSO:Caught In the Trap of the Late Night Nurse 

Hello, I tried the latest version of UCBrowser on
my Symbian S60 v3 phone. I found this browser
reading a review wrote by italian newspaper.
The browser is not bad and very fast but I
noticed that there\’s something strange: gmail
for example send me a warning that my account
was probably stolen in India with this IP: – looking with whois domain tools
the organization is AS37958 CNNIC-CHINACACHE-
AP Beijing Blue I.T Technologies Co.,Ltd.
(registered Mar 08, 2006) – I\’m very very worried

Chewing Gum burns about 11 calories per Hour

Nutrition is one determining factor when it comes to health and weight loss. Numerous techniques have been tested to and one research study has discovered an effortless way to lose weight.

Research conducted at the Mayo Clinic and published in the New Journal of Medicine found that chewing gum burns about 11 calories an hour The researchers concluded that the simple act of chewing non-caloric gum during your waking hours could help you lose more than 11 pounds of body fat a year. According to another study noted in the


the "New England Journal of Medicine," it took participants just 12 minutes of gum chewing to burn 11 calories.
Wow!Too good to be true,right?Well,the best part of this technique, you won't even feel like you're doing an exercise.


decides to gather views on the topic.According to Jay,Gum-chewing keeps him from binging by giving his mouth something to do."It really works the muscles of my cheeks and jaw."Another Addicted Gum-chewer,Angie,talks of how her her bff tried to lose weight by chew gum so that she wouldn't eat any junk but she's yet to see the results
"Ever since I read a study on the internet about gum chewing benefits,I've been extremely addicted to chewing gum and Lately I've noticed my face looks fatter."Lenna says with a sad face.I'm disappointed and I've also ditched gum.

 »»»Beware of Artificial sweeteners in sugar gums 

Well,some say it works ,some say it's pure hogwash.But here is the catch.
I once read that if you were to chew gum all the time you are awake, that chewing gum alone would cause you to lose 0.5 of a lb in a year.Extremely small I know, but this just shows that the more body movement, the more calories you are burning.Chew a sugar-free gum today!

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